Ran eight miles this morning. Physical activity has little to do with my distaste for this specific game, or the myriad issues attached to it.
But, hey, maybe read a book or something. ;)
Ran eight miles this morning. Physical activity has little to do with my distaste for this specific game, or the myriad issues attached to it.
But, hey, maybe read a book or something. ;)
I’m almost at a loss for words here.
The idea that women are some kind of mystical creature that require knowledge of the Stygian abyss to understand is a myth that has been perpetuated by men of all types, in all groups, since time immemorial.
A particular subset of gamers, however, have found a way to…
‘even more generic then the last 10 years have already made it’
Does it do something other than disgusting moeblobs?
Hoo-wee. Would you look at all that objectification. Cryin’ shame all them women folk exist for a man’s pleasure. Downright sinful, that smoochin’.
Do you boys just come here to twist your own panties into a bunch?
unions’ hard work gave a lot of us 5 weeks paid vacation. always support workers’ movements. the US is basically a developing nation in comparison. no paid maternity leave beyond a few weeks? get with the program.
While you’re right about overwork in general, with respect to first world countries, Japan’s pretty singular by comparison in terms of death from overwork.
“Don’t limit me to 500 materials, please. My fear, if say they cap it at 500 across the board, you’re going to have a potential situation where a bad player is just spraying you, and you run out of materials.”
this is honestly the ideal scenario for me
In my fanfic, the baton gets passed to Dante’s half-black daughter.
Because its fun and it bugs people like you
Found the location of where some of them landed
Ok, so, developers and producers, take note. This is how you maintain a game.
I always liked NMS, I never bought into the hype, and it was what it was. Played it with my wife, too. I take breaks in between, but with this update, I will be jumping headlong into it with her again. We love co-op games.
Doesn’t that depend on your lifestyle and health? It sounds like this woman was fairly unhappy for most of her life, but in theory this would have been true even if she had only made it to age 40, right?
I like how the Darkblade fight featured a teleporting enemy in a dark room with zero cover, and that fight was FAR less annoying than this one. In fact, Sunless Cell was my favorite strike in D1, while this one is my most hated in Destiny 2.
Exodus Trash.
I’m surprised to report that I’ve found the answer in a free-to-play mobile clone. Wait, don’t leave!