Transhuman Cyborg Octopus

Playing a video game is not the same as reading an article. It’s not like you’ll need to know all these things going in, sheesh.

Tried 6 episodes, and it all seems pretty surface level. I didn’t find the world interesting, and I found the setting restrictive and small (and they never left it). I didn’t find the characters to be that interesting either, and the protagonist is kind of annoying. After the fantasy weirdness of Adventure Time and

Not everyone shares your perception of what is hot and what is ugly. Just because you think something looks ugly doesn’t mean others won’t find it hot.

They are becoming... self-aware!

No PS4 release yet?

No PS4 release yet?

Now playing

Reminds me of the Raiden vs Vamp fight in MGS4. Lot’s of twirling, disrobing, tying up, the placement of Vamp’s knife, the licking, a long object penetrating through them, and white fluid everywhere.

Daenerys Stormborn Targaryen, mother of dragons, breaker of chains, cutter of cheese

No need to be sorry. Anyway, I’ve never played Diablo or WoW, so I don’t think I should make those comparisons because I don’t want to mislead you.
One detail I forgot to mention was cool class specific powers (3 classes, and and each class will launch with at least 2 subclasses with their own sets of powers. There

It’s a sequel, not an expansion, but maybe you’re just making a joke. Anyway, I wouldn’t describe it as an MMO, but it’s certainly MMO-adjacent. Here is what to expect:
-Story campaigns are in a mission structure, not an open world way, but there is drop-in cooperative multiplayer for most story missions.
-There are

And diversity is bad for some reason? Every other instance of developers listening to player feedback is generally seen as good, but when it’s about making characters more diverse and interesting instead of all being the same, people like you lose their shit and cry about an“agenda”.

You still provided no evidence

It’s obvious what you meant by that statement, and I’m just calling out your bullshit. Don’t even try to hide it.
Secondly, Zarya was revealed as a female before the game even launched; they never showed a male version of her, and you have no basis for that claim. The issue with Tracer was that the pose didn’t fit her

There’s waaaaaay more people like you failing to predict an outcry than anyone actually making an outcry (because no one is no outcry).
Part of getting better racial representation in media is getting characters that aren’t all good or all bad.

I’ guessing by “minority,” you mean non-white, which is pretty silly. Overwatch is a game set all over the world, and just because non-white people are a minority in whatever country you might be in does not make them a minority globally. If anything, white people are a minority when compared to Asians. Get over

Not counting the cover image, the 7th image (guy in armor or robot with a hooded cape) reminds me of a Destiny hunter.

Her style is very diverse. If I did not know it was by one woman, I would have assumed that these were done by three different people because of the style shifts between different pieces.

I’m usually gold, but this season I placed silver, and now I’m trying to climb back to god because my rank in this video game matters to me way more than it should. I have friends new to Overwatch, and I know I’m better than them (not just in skill, but communication, general knowledge, and hero flexibility), but they

I find it hard to believe he cares about narrative when he sees the Exo Stranger’s story arc as being complete. It’s never confirmed if she’s a time traveler, what time period she is from, and who she was communicating with, and instead of addressing any of her mysteries satisfyingly in a better story, he just wants

More Dishonored, yeeeeeeeeeessssssssssssssssss

One of them looks like that timeline’s version of Akira. A person in red, Japanese writing, and freaky growth in the background. 

Oh, I noticed the comic book comparison, but it’s used more like an insult than an acknowledgement of Bungie’s actual intent, and it in no way removes the other parts of your statement. If you actually accepted it as the intent of the creator, you wouldn’t be nitpicking about how “logical” the armor tends to be in