Transhuman Cyborg Octopus

I was actually very curious about that this game would be like when I saw trailers and read info about it last year, and I’m kind of disappointed.


I liked No Man’s Sky, it was basically what I was expecting before I bought it, but it got old after a while. I will definitely get back to it if updates add interesting new dimensions... but what is the point of base-building? What functionality will those bases actually have to make us want them?

I still find it weird and kind of jarring that the creature and the environments are rendered photo-realistically, but the boy has about as much detail as an anime character.

Why are these missing pictures STILL not fixed?

Dishonored 2 has a ton of non-lethal options. Sleep darts, shock mines, Howler bolts, the combat choke (in addition to the sneak choke), the domino power (works for lethal as well as nonlethal), and mesmerize. There is also shadowalk for sneaking, and doppleganger for distraction.

Well you clearly weren’t applying that knowledge if you keep losing progress, so it’s fair for him to assume you didn’t already know.

It might have been when I crashed the elevator down to get to the basement to find that rune. Maybe the shockwaves killed some unconscious guards.

I really really really should have made a save at the beginning of mission 3. I was trying to beat the game with no kills, and I was certain I only knocked people out, and I took out all targets non-lethally, but the end of mission screen says I got one kill, and I don’t even know how.

If she was able to contact the woman she was blackmailing anyway as implied with the “I’ll be in touch,” couldn’t she have done the threatening and blackmailing over the internet?

Interesting, I guess we had very different experiences somehow. Before hard mode, I’m pretty sure heroic strikes could drop rares at up to 375, and faction packages, strike chest loot, and the raid drops at up to 385, plus I think exotics and Nightfalls could go a bit higher than 385. There was even an issue with

You’re entitled to not like it, but I’m curious why you thought it “forced” you to grind so much, given all the avenues available to progress.

Completing any strike in the heroic strike playlist gives 2 guaranteed rare items that are generally always higher than your current light level (the rares cap at 385 now).

I don’t have much to add, but I really appreciate sex-positive articles like this. Keep up the good work.

I don’t think the fact that it can be soloed is something to hold against the raid’s design, especially given how difficult it is to pull off. Someone mentioned this is another comment here “Pretty amazing how Bungie has designed their Raids so well that the encounters can be challenging for 6 people yet

Now I kind of want to play Mafia 3. I wasn’t interested because despite the supposedly very good story, I hear the gameplay doesn’t do anything new.
I like that racism is being tackled with something more than vague metaphors played out with white people like some other recent games (like Deus Ex was trying to co-opt

I actually enjoyed Battleborn’s multiplayer complexity, and the story missions. I couldn’t justify the purchase since none of my friends were getting it, but I’m glad it’s going free-to-play.

Oh God! I have more hours than Kirk, and I only started like a month before The Taken King.

The Books of Sorrow beats all other Destiny lore stories for me. It genuinely feels alien, it’s brutal, sympathetic, and full of fascinating esotericism. It explains the origin of the Hive, why they had to make a deal with the worm gods, the crusade towards the Final Shape (purge all weakness and weak beings from the

I don’t know why you said this, but interestingly enough, I immediately thought of the Cauldron Destiny pvp map when the video started.

While it should be up to developers to make what they want, freedom of speech means people who have complaints are free to voice those complaints. Criticizing a work of art is no means a form of censorship, or giving a negative review to a movie is the same as trying to censor it. Ultimately, voicing complaint does