Transhuman Cyborg Octopus

Yeah, the trailer made me feel nothing.

I find it interesting how they referenced Apartheid, and are basically trying to get the “persecuted minority,” feel to the game. I will find that incredibly insulting if they’re willing to use the struggles of actual persecuted minorities in the game as a theme, yet refuse to have any major characters of historically

Obligatory anime style (and not an actually interesting anime style), check. Generic JRPG fashion, check. Obligatory loli, check. Obligatory “so sexy,” female party member, check. Standard male teen JRPG with nothing that really stands out about his design, check. Yup, it’s a JRPG. At least the UI isn’t that

I’m not stopping anyone from liking what they want, and everyone is entitled to an opinion about entertainment (even if you personally don’t like it).

Why is it surprising that a series is still fun without an overpowered Mary Sue wish-fulfillment bland as dirt character amassing a harem? Perhaps if he was never there, I might have actually found the series mildly tolerable, though it probably would not fix the awful writing and general vapidness.

Japan really does have a creepy fixation on school girls, so this virtual teen waifu thing is not at all surprising. I do appreciate their restraint on it — could have been waaaaay creepier.

Your logic doesn’t follow. The fact that Star Wars takes place in the past in way proves that you can revise a future that has yet to happen.

Whether or not you consider it “creative,” you can’t accuse it of appropriating elements of another culture if you have no specific elements to point to and trace back to another. Also, I’d like to point out that being part of a tribal society, using bows for hunting, and making clothes with animal skins in no way

Nothing from what I’ve seen are elements exclusive to Native American culture.

I love the updated blink, I love the crazy tech like stylish robo guards, and transforming rooms. I love that you can play as Emily.


You keep insisting that it has to fit the Tales series, I’m pointing out that its actually very easy to make it it fit the series and not look as stupid and generic as it does (giving her intact full clothes).

So the Tales universe only allows for bikini-shaped tatters LOL? And you’re seriously going to pretend an outfit designed just to show skin as a means of pandering to teenage boys is not generic anime-esque when its such an extremely common trope? How about this for non-generic within the confines of the series:

Last I checked, tattered clothes that only barely cover tits and genitals are far from creative for female characters in games. There are plenty of good possible designs between bikini-shaped tatters and alligator hands, even when those designs allude you personally.

Because it makes it easier to suspend disbelief, and simply accept the settings and characters without being taken out of the moments by distracting implausibilities. You can be extremely stylish AND practical at the same time.

Imperator Furiosa makeup

Guys who have never seen boobs obsessing about it like its a huge deal (which signals to be that they don’t really know how to relate to girls), there appears to be tons of fan service (open shirt showing giant tits and tiny miniskirt), and the setting is a high school despite how prison-like it is. The first thing

I’m kind of sick of anime about boys that don’t have a clue how to relate to women, immersion-breaking levels of “fan service” attempting to distract me from poor writing (I can find much better porn online), and high schools in general. I think I’ll pass.

At the same time, don’t you find an inherent silliness on signing a contract to use a video game system that you already own? I get that this is normal in this day and age, but when I think about it, it feels absurd. (inb4”well, don’t buy it”)