
"I used to wear tighty whities but then I decided I didn't want to be eight years old anymore."

I've historically taken a hard stance against tighty whities but this show is bound and determined to convert me.

Every time I think I could not love her more, she pulls out something like this.

Matt Bomer. Just … pulverisingly good-looking.

This is the first episode from this season that I thoroughly enjoyed. Maybe it was the gratuitous shots of lots of studly dudes in grippies, or Gabby Sidibe finally making an appearance, or the news that Lily Rabe is going to be on the show after all. Who knows? At any rate, the script and acting and the storyline all

Aw man, now they're gonna seek me out and get shithoused and taunt me until I run away.

I've been trying for the past week to put my finger on where I've heard that accent before, and it just struck me: Peter Dinklage on Game of Thrones.

I have a hard time believing her as, well, anything really, but she's pulling off the whole grifter/con-artist/freak hunter thing especially poorly.

He clocked the bitch but good.

That accent of his sure was … something.

The best part of this was, for me, the pack of angry, power-mad dwarfs getting drunk 'round the campfire. It's those little things that keep me coming back.