An actual Tax Payer

Well said.

I would equate to Christmas parking less 75%.

Yep, that segregationists in you is shining bright. Pickup trucks and rednecks just rolls off your tongue. Pickup cost run up to $100k today, and as the one shown are just another preferred transportation method, quite common to the point one brands pickup is the most sold vehicle period, the Ford F series.

The video was for fun. It is not nor was it intendedintended for someone to pull a stunt like this.

There is a small chance you could have made a more ridiculous comment, a very small chance.

Gunfire? So you belive a Tesla owner is going to pull.a gun on another and shoot someone over a parking spot.

Redneck, macho or wow just maybe they don’t notice, maybe its the last spot?

I would say a significant amount of this is perception. Most people are thinking about a parking place designated for special cars. Next, its not all pickup trucks, the most noticeable, sure. In many cases I would also say that the parking was near full, the people parked in the last available space, which I would not

I love this pity party sensationalist want to be taken serious writer.

You do know that your sensationalist race baiting article of dug up bullcrap is past th getting old point?