
I’m so glad I read this article. It almost feels like an immediate answer to a comment thread I’ve been embroiled within. I’ll start out by saying my family didn’t have much money when I was growing up but we could make ends meet (both my parents working; I was the eldest and a ‘latch-key kid who took care of my

The point here is that if you have the money (and although left unsaid I think can be reasonably implied) and are meeting your financial responsibilities (including things like emergency savings, retirement, etc) then spend it if you don’t have another specific goal set for it (or are least willing to put off that

And an update:

True. :)

So you’re saying he wouldn’t fit in with their culture?

Hopefully my usual strategy of not spending time outside serves me well this summer.

Watching ‘Walking Dead’ has made me think that I’d want a book telling me what wild plants and weeds are edible.

Oregon resident here, too. I don’t have a CSZ earthquake survival kit (yet... I’m new-ish to the area), but I have looked at the soil map of Portland and found out how far (and in which direction) I’d have to walk to get out of the liquefaction zone.

I’m continually surprised by the number of people in Oregon who are completely head-in-the-sand about the Cascadia Subduction zone. I’ve been trying to convince everyone in my neighborhood to have just 1 gallon of water/person on hand, and you’d think I was asking people to give away all their worldly possessions,

Yep - this. This isn’t about politics but about survival (I’m lefty progressive on just about everything except on 2nd amendment rights). I’m not even talking about Walking Dead survival - it doesn’t take total breakdown of society before people start taking matters to their own hands. My suggestion: get training, and

It depends on the scenario. If you are keeping a gun for only when SHTF and the world ends, you might as well keep them locked up separately because you’ll have an extra 10 seconds to open both locks. If you are keeping a gun for general home defense, then I agree with you. Lock it up, don’t let your kids know the

If a would-be attacker sees you holding this, they fear nothing.

Why would you tell people you prepped?

In a disaster, you may not always have a way to clean your diva cup. It’s a good idea to keep pads/tampons as an emergency backup plan.

So you’ve noticed that people who value self-reliance tend to think more self-reliantly?

You do realize where Bernie is from, right? And that he was silent on firearm rights for a very long time as a result of being from that place? And that we are way more heavily armed than you?

I live in Oregon where there’s a big push to get people to care about earthquake prep, but when I talk about getting basic water and food supplies my husband does the whole “Well if it makes you feel better, but don’t become a crazy prepper...”

He’s going to thank me once I buy the supplies and the Cascadia Subduction

A year or so ago I did something similar (on a smaller scale) and filled up a 5-gallon bucket with a few weeks worth of food along with some basic survival gear. Nothing crazy. You would be SHOCKED how many people hear me say that and immediately roll their eyes like I’m some nutjob prepper... Since when did have a

Except we know that it can’t...so clearly, the bridge was hit by remote-control “bumblebee” aircraft packed with nanothermite, while somebody detonated the pre-planted micro-nukes under the bridge as the Armed Forces hit it with a super-secret hypersonic cruise missile.

Hotlanta can melt steel beams. Because it’s really hot.