
Ramen: In college (really broke) ate a lot of dry ramen with tuna and mustard.

Doritos: Yes. Both nacho and cool ranch.

Condiment: Not so much any more, but I used to eat a lot, like a disturbing amount, of Ranch. Probably haven’t had any in a couple years at this point though. Now my go to is Cholula. It goes

I’ve found that consolidating all that into one bag seems to take up way more space than stashing individual items in ziplocks wherever they can fit.

Shoes always seem like a problem. Especially when your wife likes to walk 8-10 miles a day sightseeing, but you don’t like the look of running shoes with other attire. It’s worse if you have large feet. I think she can fit like 3-4 pairs in the same space as one of mine.

I thought it was going to be a fun little challenge/way to practice language and reading skills to pick up toiletries once we landed in Japan. It was depressingly easy. All the packaging was extremely similar to what we’re used to, and a surprising amount had English writing. So, I guess, you did a good job marketing

Not so much for work, but on vacation, I’ve found that I rarely need a computer for anything that I can’t do on my phone. An iPad/kindle/nook is useful in that it is smaller than carrying multiple books on longer trips though.

Don’t “play the stocks”. If you want to keep your money and have it grow in the most efficient way, buy into some index funds with low fees. You’ll save money now and make more in the long run (on average).
Also, surprisingly, at $500k/year, the people in the example don’t seem to have a lot of wealth or assets to

Money doesn’t but happiness, but it can buy a jetski. Have you ever seen anyone sad on a jetski?

It’s good to just have priorities and awareness of what you can/can’t afford. That’s what is important, knowing what is important to you and keeping it within your means. As long as my old car is running and safe, I can wait on a new one. I’d rather take the vacation, maybe not to Puerto Rico though.

This. All of this. It seems like the sudden income increase is almost always accompanied by a new car. Usually a new car that they can’t quite afford. I’ve seen this more times than I can count with friends and coworkers. Two things to keep in mind: 1. If that beater got you through college, it can get you through a

I believe this is what’s referred to as “hustling backwards”. Whoever convinced them to donate that amount needs a raise.

Eco-terrorism? Because releasing CO2 and God knows what else into the atmosphere by starting fires is great for the environment!

Looks like they’re having some issues at the new dual purpose practice facility/tortilla factory in Lubbock.

Lot of monsters in the comments here. Crunchy peanut butter is just peanut butter made by a lazy person who quit halfway through. It’s basically partially chewed peanuts. It defeats the point of pb.

Genius: “Hey lets take the most annoying property of this nutritious food away and make a convenient spreadable paste

I always thought PB&J was better on flour tortillas, but you do you.

Agreed. It’s nice to have some real food rather than just gels and bars. I tend to alternate between nutella, jelly, and honey. Nutella is probably the tastiest though.

Get a vitamix and get nuts from Costco in bulk or online. Cheaper in the long run if you’re buying any nut butter other than peanut.

yeah, I do love pb&j, but just about the only time I let myself eat one is before or during a long (10+ mile) race.

*Looks at map* Yeah, this works. It wouldn’t be my ideal picks, but you’ve got mountains in CO, plenty of land for farming, oil/gas in OK and CO, lots of cheese, Chicago and a few other urban centers (plenty of pro sports teams), and two isolated zones of corn that have to pay you tariffs to ship anything. Biggest

Nevada borders 5 states (Utah borders 5 or 6, not sure how to count NM at 4 corners). Thats the best I can come up with. There are a ton you could box in with 6.

You could enclave Nevada and Utah with (CA, OR, ID, WY, CO, NM, and AZ). Not a bad haul with one pick left.

Until you forget one year and the email account goes dormant and then gets deleted.