
Or, you know, you could just follow the power lines to a structure, and plug in your charger there.

@sbunny: They see me rollin'...they hatin'

@FriarNurgle: Well, I guess it's only fair...AT&T charged your credit card for them :-)

Mine's been:

@pseudorocket: my status screen looks almost identical to yours.

preorder through AT&T on 16th, status this morning said "shipped" with a UPS tracking number

@Donuthead: And we value quality products.

@CaffineFreakUs: Buy one SD card, fill with porn, swap with card in ad player, take ad player card home, repeat as necessary.

@izzaboo: foil sticker over the motion sensor ought to take care of the problem

@JS_Drupal: Running into it with the shopping cart should do it, as well.

Awesome. I saw the SR-71 at National Air and Space last year. It looks out of place among the propellers and fighter jets. Almost like it doesn't belong with them.

@NeoAkira: Actually, there are conflicting studies on this. What I think you meant to say, is that the US limits are designed to minimize tissue heating. There's not been a large scale study on tumors realated to cell phone use, though some smaller studies have shown a correlation.

"her coworkers are in fact childlike and require colorful instructions to guide them"