
‘’Life’s moved on for this duo. Luke’s married now and has a daughter with Jessica Jones while Danny’s running his corporation. With the way that he constantly says they’re not getting back together, you get the sense that Luke sees his old-school adventures with Danny as episodes from younger, wilder times.’’

Yup yup,

*sigh* I know.

I might try this for my PS4. It’s getting a little dusty.

I mean, I understand why they’re doing this. I like the message of emancipation behind it.

It’s just not very Joker-like. I mean, he HAS physically hurt her before, but it was never really ‘’sexual’’, if that makes sense. Like trying to kiss her and stuff. While he’s a monster and manipulator, the character never

He was heavily linked to half the premiership (and Juventus), then was bought by Wolfsburg with they money they made off the De Bruyne sale. I still think 40mil is too beaucoup for this guy, but he’s still only 22, so who knows.

Looks alright I guess. Should be an entertaining read. I hope it gets more moral ambiguity though. Might now and, as usual I guess, Iron Man seems like the bad guy.

They said they had a 10 year plan for the game. I think we were all lead-on by a typo. Pretty sure they meant a ‘’1 year plan’’.

Unless it gets incredible reviews from everyone, I won’t be buying Destiny 2. I feel like we were promised something that never quite delivered with the first instalment. The Taken King was cool ... for, like, 2 weeks and they didn’t put enough emphasis on the ‘’community’’ aspect of the game, probably thinking they’d

Well... yeah. Nihilism questions the importance and the necessity of capitalism and democracy. It’s kind of a big deal.

It’s really nihilism. But, yeah, I guess ever since Matt Stone said he was a libertarian South Park got labelled.

I peed a little.

ahhh, now it makes sense.

this is all I’ve ever wanted

Are they going to add another vein if they win another Stanley cup?
LOL, just kidding, never gonna happen.

Aw, that made my day.

In Montreal, Stevenson has become a joke. He keeps fighting subpar opponents and he’s just an overall prick who used to beat up women.

But Clay... :(

Maybe they’ll do it when Bernie mentions his grand plan to build a wall between the US and Canada, nuke Iran and deport Muslims.
The craziness level from both parties isn’t exactly 50/50.

Well, apparently you were right.
What do you know ...

I want a heavy, customizable controller Sony like the Xbox One’s. I don’t need another pair of earbuds. Give me what I want.