
Isn’t he considered the Weinstein of the NFL? The only difference being the ability to count not using fingers and toes.

This is beautiful.

Typical. But, you know what’s not typical? The Fu#king Bills making the playoffs!! Goddam right. This town is and will go insane.

I dislike you but we’re still friends(online friends, never real friends)

The question is how does Deadspin, the Pinnacle of all things super duper important journalism, not know this?

Looks awesome. Very much looking forward to this and The Batman Ninja, of which looks like nothing I’ve seen before. Stunning.

But his stupidity is cute.


Yes!! We are now friends. Cool we you?

If you’re not Captain Responsible, then......who is!!??? The plot thickens. Like gravy.

You had the platform in your grasp! It was in your hands, waiting for you to tell The. Entire. World. about the evils of MK. Instead, you hugged her and then made even more meaningless small talk with her that she normally makes to her toothbrush. You are the tainted one now. You are part of the MK Machine. Next time,

Holy shit. Is this true? Are these correct numbers or exaggerated? This can’t be true. Right?

Why so sleepy brah?

Its just like the last minute of that old Harrison Ford movie, about the Amish soccer team; Widnes.

I still don’t understand how this gigantic p.o.s isn’t in jail? Also, another p.o.s is tarintino

I was thinking the same. But I’m assuming it was yet to be stepped on numerous times with powdered bleach, dehydrated gum & cat litter, cardboard, antifreeze and fresh sundried tomatoes. Then oh boy! Cash money!!

Matt has no penis to forget.

Can I get one of those trophies people are talking about? I just got here.

If pee wee Herman was in politics in an alternative universe.

I’m all in with my 6$. It’s been a long 15 years. Was the first ep amazing and gave me nerd chills? No. Did I feel the breeze? Yep. I don’t want another streaming service, especially not CBS. But I’d rather pay now, cancel later than to wait until the season is over and spoiled online or some such. 15 years is long