
Ok, because I’ve read that all public utilities are common carrier, but not all common carrier are public utilities.

Before prop 22 : Gig worker nope nope

But they were not public utilities ? Would it have more weight (on net neutrality) or just add the “everyone need internet + reasonable price” ?

I’m not from N-US (Not-United States as it seem to be the new normal there), but I remember that internet is not on the “essential service list” ? I think it’s time to push the need to make internet, provider and etc. (and net neutrality) official ? Public utility, that’s what I was looking at.

Yeah now it’s like “My teacher is shit but he done so mmaaaaany research !”

Yep, the problem is at the source. If every U would have their own papers, reviewed by a peer-commitee from others U and private scientist could publish in these papers (like your region = you use the U nearest from you) I’m SURE the cost (publishing, reviewing, maintaining) would be less than what it cost right now

But it’s systemic. You are “graded” as a scientist by how many papers you publish in “good journals”. It’s part of the problem if you can’t be a “good” scientist if you publish in open source journals !!! I’ve found so many good papers thing using Sci-Hub for some of my doctorate work.

Time to create a false .apk full of crap and name it parler-installverwhatever.apk.

Tapjoy, not giving joy since 2007.

I’ve said it here (probably in gray, still in gray ? I don’t know, I’m typing Edit : Yeah, sad :() but if there is not a list of all the things/regulations/changes in every damn sectors/administration/whatever that this administration have changed, a list to be something like “Here our action plan for the next few

I think they see MS and Sony buying small studios for the workforce and expertise and don’t want to lose in the endgame. With these kind of purchase, they make sure to have people to work on their IP.

Kreese go to the police against Miss Larusso, but they can’t do the same about the invasion, assault, etc. I was like WTF to my wife about that.

Fuck this fuckis fucking fucker.

And the ones who will paying (layoff,etc.) for the cost of this lawsuit will be the dev. I’m pretty pretty sure.

If outrage could generate electricity à la Monster Inc. the world would be right now a cleaner planet !

Hmmm ... Sad. But hey, D need to be the mature one here !

I was sure it was gonna be GTAV

Wish I could find one with CHEETOS =(

The True Way American Triumph Party or the TWATP.