I think they see MS and Sony buying small studios for the workforce and expertise and don’t want to lose in the endgame. With these kind of purchase, they make sure to have people to work on their IP.
I think they see MS and Sony buying small studios for the workforce and expertise and don’t want to lose in the endgame. With these kind of purchase, they make sure to have people to work on their IP.
Kreese go to the police against Miss Larusso, but they can’t do the same about the invasion, assault, etc. I was like WTF to my wife about that.
Fuck this fuckis fucking fucker.
And the ones who will paying (layoff,etc.) for the cost of this lawsuit will be the dev. I’m pretty pretty sure.
If outrage could generate electricity à la Monster Inc. the world would be right now a cleaner planet !
I was sure it was gonna be GTAV
3 ... 2 ... 1 ... incoming new Parler twitchclone for redneck and stupid.
But it will shame his family, so that’s a plus ! He can die after the shaming.
Oh man, can we be at least at the last one ? I would accept this sentence with open arm.
Circle of pain, it’s neverending.
I agree with you. Since the WiiU, Nintendo accepted his niche and saw the potential gain of going WITH Sony and Microsoft and not AGAINST. It’s a win-win situation for them right now.
Good point, now I can add geographical projection into my lesson !
I’m a geography teacher (university) I am THRILL to play it in front of my students. After, I’ll start a CIV game and nuke everyone. Physic + political geography for the win.
Thanks for the info ! But, I must say, I don’t trust Pelosi to pull this thing in the *** of republicans. I wanna be optimistic, very much, but it’s not what Pelosi showed us the past 4 years. She speak more than act.
What’s the name of this law ?
What is the name of the law ?
I must admit that my first choice for a PS5 is playing FF7 remaster and Cyberpunk 2077, a reason I’m not in a hurry to get the PS5 right now !
Same, my old 8 years + Sharp Aquos still rock the house. I didn’t even get the last generation, other than a Switch for me and my kids. I’m waiting for when I go full 4k.