
Doomsday post. Regardless, I’ll be driving by Dinosaur until the govt stops me, or they go extinct. :p

I get my dad’s ‘74 911. I’ve been driving it for a year and so far I’ve only lifted off in a turn once, luckily with no one around and nothing bad happening, but my dad hadn’t warned me of lifting off in corners before I got in the drivers seat. Neither me or the car are dead yet! ^_^

Think of all the peasants they’ll be able to feed now. Oh wait...

Kinda sorta but I’ll forgive you :p

I see me I the right corner!! Albeit slightly blurred, but I didn't realize you were there as well!

Funny thing I forgot to mention. My name’s spelled with a “K” haha. Karl. But now I have the only 944 signed by Jalopnik!! ^_^

I shall be doing the schooling even though I’ve never done karting before. Prepare yourself!

I will be there! And I will win! And I’ll make you lot sign my 944 when I win!

Nah. It’s not that sad, I’ll survive.

Jack Riddell bought a 1967 Lamborghini 400 GT when it was just six years old.......

This lady just got HAL’d by a Ford Focus. :p

What a peasant!

The “new” 911...I knew it wasn’t gonna sound as good as the N/A motors, but it could’ve been worse.

I’m waiting...

You can’t tell me I’m wrong :p

Do I have to conform to this autonomous driving nonsense that I refuse to believe in? And can I create a resistance movement to stop GoogleSkynet from destroying the world?

They sound like awful people.

The head stud problem on ‘74-77 911 2.7L motors. Won’t bore you with extensive details. The thermal expansion rate of the cylinder heads, magnesium crankcase, and cylinder studs made by Dilavar were very different, which lead to pulled studs before 100k miles. If you got your motor rebuilt before then(like my dad) and

Any air cooled 911: I dare you to lift off the throttle around any corner of any kind. I DARE YOU. If you feel the rear coming out, you better start praying, but even that might not save you. ^_^

I see it as more Mach 5 than Batmobile.