
The closest commonly made 4:3 LCD is an 8", and it’s about twice as much as a 16x9 wide 7".

Oh Alex, you guys are so incredibly awful at picking laptops.

Sadly, 2019 was the year we lost the Volt.

I love all the boomers commenting on this. We get it...you hate change. I’m sure these same people bitched about Windows 95,98,ME,XP, and Vista too.

Sounds like bullshit to me. How does a car go forward on a remote start. I guess if it was a manual, but my first manual remote start car (Jeep Wrangler) didn’t do that.

Nobody cares boomer.

It’s not an “OLED panel”. Jeez. Google “cob LED”. They are just using a long red/blue SMD LED.

I have a 10-bay supercharger a mile away from my work. It’s at the intersection of I70 and another major highway in Ohio. I pass it going to lunch every day, and in the 2 years its been there, I’ve only seen a dozen Tesla’s charge there (total...not  at the same time).

Stupid take. Every IOT device has some level of spying.

I hope they make any E-vette faster than my Volt. I’ve raced Corvettes “to the next light” before. I win almost every time. I’d get smoked in the 1/4 though.

Can they take away that seal’s bone spurs though?

Enough to get me to home depot and back though.

“Of course, he’s covered in scars, Batman-style, presumably from abuse by his shitty dad and brother.”

Thank God they killed Siddiq. I was really getting tired of them showing his PTSD for 15 minutes every episode.

I suppose you’re the guy that likes those cherry bomb mufflers on civics.

Well duh. It’s only science related, so 2+2=5 isn’t a valid argument.

basically everyone removes the jack to make the phone truly waterproof. It’s have to be waterproof with a big honking hole in the phone. I guess they figure more people drop their phones in the toilet than use wired headphones.

And long fingernails too.

I see Giz is still bashing the TouchBar. Do you people even use your fancy Macbooks for anything other than blogging? My daughter is in graphic design, and she said the TouchBar is a godsend in Photoshop and Illustrator. In safari it shows you little previews of your open tabs.

I stand to stretch for sure. If my luggage is in the overhead above my seat, I will also get that out, and put it on my seat. That way, when it’s my isles turn to deplane, I’m out pretty quick.