
But will this give us cancer like windmills?

Speedgate? More like Toofuckingcomplicatedgate.

“The scene of Bronn and his three naked sex workers was so gratuitous it could have counted as an homage to the insanely gratuitous sex scenes of the show’s earliest seasons.”

LOL. Fuck entitled rich people.

“ They supported their child.”

Well if we’re gonna have a gay, we should have a white nationalist too. Just to be fair. Better yet...have a non-binary gender person.

Why do they have a chick doing this?

That’s because you’re a loser.

Do people not realize that Marvel, in her standalone movie, was not fully aware of her past HUMAN FEMALE roots? Maybe she was following the Kree way of life?

I showed this article to my wife and two 20-something daughters...who can’t wait to see this movie BTW...and they didn’t give 2 shits about makeup vs no makeup.

which is directed by two men

Are people in the UK a bunch of pussies? I saw kids that young in the theater during the IT movie.

You mean the font they stole?

The Quantum realm idea sounds like bullshit. Since the Pyms were snapped, who’s going to create the technology? I mean I guess they could have rebuilt the lab that got wrecked by Ghost in Ant Man 2.

Who the fuck uses iTunes any more anyway?

Meh...they can have her back.

It’s probably because Bezos has wind turbine cancer.

The problem is, Apple has a special chip in the Airpods that allows for effortless connectivity....which Amazon can’t compete with.

Don’t take topless selfies and share them with a guy you aren’t in a relationship with, and you won’t have these problems. What kind of a person does that?

So stupid that small children don’t have to. They can’t have shoe bombs I guess?