
I always thought that zombies are just supposed to be people with high level thinking removed, making them act on an instinctive level like animals. That would explain the need to feast on living organisms (primarily humans). Like you though, I don’t understand what makes them “work” when they are seriously damaged.

Super Gross? My wife says that a lot.

You need to do better research bro.

You need to do better research bro.

Is that Shaggy driving that Tesla?

That robot is going to put a lot of Mexicans out of work.

Yeah. My daughter got an XS (I have an X). I notice no difference, except in the photos....and then just barely. I’m sure there will be AR apps and such that will make use of the A12, but for normal stuff....it’s not a “wow” upgrade. I’m glad I got in on the X in the alternate iphone cycle, because I’m pretty sure the

“However, as someone who babied an iPhone X for a year but still ended up with a screen full of scratches and a network of cracks on the back glass”

So are we supposed to teach kids that female breasts don’t move when the rest of the body does?

Ha. Loser. By “late 90's” I was 8 years into my first IT gig out of college, but I was team Superdisk. Not only could you get an extra 20mb per disk, but reading and writing standard floppies was much faster since the drives had laser tracking.

Fuck unions. Watch those anti-union videos, and you’ll see why. There’s a reason unions were created in the early 20's (child labor, dangerous work conditions, not allowing women to work, etc.), but those reasons don’t exist now....so unions shouldn’t exist. Basically, unions use threats of production stoppage against

It’s one of the highest rated shows on TV, so yeah. Nice disparaging comment though bruh.

Last panel=wrong rover.

Like penises, there’s no such thing as “too big”.

I call bullshit. No way he got hurt landing like that. It looks like car kneed him in the back of the..... knee....when he came down.

He only wants to “catch” for Brady? lol.

I’m still waiting somehow for the NFL to invalidate our 1st win.

Probably some graphics design turd complained about it. Everyone else wouldn’t give a fuck unless colors were swapped or something else obvious.

Fuck you SiriusXM. I’m not paying $16/month for a subscription, I’ll just listen to Pandora for free. You what? Bought Pandora? Oh shit.

My God that thing is yuuuge. I don’t get the compulsion to make a round smartwatch. It’s NOT an analog watch, stop trying to make it look like one. Most of our smart gadgets have square/rectangular screens.

How do we know Arline didn’t go off on Becky before she started filming?