
You missed all the deals then.

I bet Bezos is pissed he’s losing what amounts to my entire annual paycheck every second.

Fraud! Western Digital didn’t have a 120Gb drive until 2001.

Can’t we just use the “space force” to get there?

Yeah....because I’ve never heard of a lightning flash drive. Oh wait, I use one every day.

That last paragraph got me...

The graphics design people where I work LOVE the shorter travel on the current MBP keyboards.

You wouldn’t need to hold the doors open in the Microsoft Store, they would just go out the Windows.

That ain’t gonna beat an iPad. No Surface “tablet” will beat an iPad. They have different user targets. People who use iPads, use them for web browsing, pictures, social media, ebooks, and movie/TV watching. A Surface (anything) won’t beat an iPad for that functionality. Win10 tablets are good at being a desktop PC,

My testicle pain intensified with every sentence.

How was this racist?

Yeah. If LeBron is still in “championship mode” like he says, he went to the wrong team. I can’t wait to see how the Lakers fans treat “I give up” LeBron in the playoffs, but we might have to wait 2 years for that.

The front of that thing looks like a Buick.

So do those people just sink?

James allowed himself to be the first superstar through the door, and has placed his trust in the Lakers to figure out how to build a super team around him over the next three seasons.

As a Cavs fan, I wish him well. He doesn’t deserve to play with a bunch of shitty people that have no clue. Oh wait, he’s going to LA. He’ll be back in the same situation. He’ll have a couple of OK players, but not enough to get him to the finals in the West. The East, maybe...but not the West.

Pretty sure he used genetic material from his dead daughter to clone her. Iris was the surrogate for the cloned embryo. In that photograph Lockwood had in the book, Iris was much younger and the girl looked the same age. I’m sure the human cloning aspect is what Hammond disagreed with.

A FART act will always “pass”.

a) Not that many people are still driving cars that were in various states of fuel supply, with the assumption that they fulled up their tanks before getting out of Dodge.

Fuck Facebook. I’m not using any of their services if I want privacy.