
Yeah. If LeBron is still in “championship mode” like he says, he went to the wrong team. I can’t wait to see how the Lakers fans treat “I give up” LeBron in the playoffs, but we might have to wait 2 years for that.

James allowed himself to be the first superstar through the door, and has placed his trust in the Lakers to figure out how to build a super team around him over the next three seasons.

As a Cavs fan, I wish him well. He doesn’t deserve to play with a bunch of shitty people that have no clue. Oh wait, he’s going to LA. He’ll be back in the same situation. He’ll have a couple of OK players, but not enough to get him to the finals in the West. The East, maybe...but not the West.

A FART act will always “pass”.

This. Gigabit requires all 8 conductors (if POE), all but the brown pair is non-POE. At work I found that people didn’t give a shit about the blue pair when they crimped connectors. I bet the blue pair is reversed, or only the receive wire is making contact. That’s why you can still get 100 speeds.

Maybe you have one of those network cards in your pc that dynamically adjusts itself. Like a gaming one.

“Memoji are neat, but not $1,000 neat.”

Nagger please. Giuliani, Trump, Kelly, and all the old fuckers working in this administration have no clue what a VPN is. Hell... Trump has never used a fucking computer in his life. If Giuliani ever used one, it would have been a Mac.

LOL all you want. The Browns have the best fan base in football. Even if they are hapless losers. Name another Pro team of any sport that succeeded at replacing the team their owner moved. That was all due to the fan base. You people are too young to remember the “good” Browns of the 80's. If I had a time machine and

All of you “Duds” fans act like the Warriors are the greatest team in history. This series is a lot closer than anyone predicted. If it wasn’t for a bonehead move by JR Smith in game one, and if LeBron wasn’t in “I don’t give a shit” mode in game 3, the Cavs would be up 2-1. I don’t think the Cave were ever going to

Fuck Draymond Green. He’s a world class asshole. The NBA shouldn’t have to put up with his shit. Nobody, including Warriors fans, should find his shit acceptable. I noticed at the end of the game on an inbounds pass that he was kicking his legs up in the air to try and deflect the ball. Maybe prepping for some nut

First of all, Patrick and the rest of you “Dubs” fans can go f*ck yourselves.

Shut the front door. I watched Jordan live through my late teens. No fucking way prime Jordan beats prime LeBron. In fact, a Jordan Bulls team with prime LeBron replacing Jordan wins twice as many rings.

Cavs need Cedi Osman to “sweep the leg” on Durant. That will even the series up.

Fuck the Warriors and Stephanie Curry. Also, fuck the NBA top brass for letting a “super team” like this come together.

Wow. She stated that she didn’t want to participate because of her beliefs, so naturally she’s an evil horrible person. It isn’t like she called out all homos as being a sin against God.

They’re just rainbow numbers for Christ’s sake. It isn’t like they are forcing you to suck on another woman’s tit.

Can’t they just “fake” kill off Rosanne like they did Dan in the original run?

Unless by tragedy, there shouldn’t be any single parents. Let’s just “wing it” is something you say on vacation, not in a relationship.

Stephanie Curry’s Warriors in 5. They will win the first 2 at home. Cavs will win their first game at home. Warriors win the next 2 (away/home). Fuck the Warriors, their smug bandwagon fans, and the NBA for allowing this Warriors/Cavs finals for 4 straight years.