
“We’re so pissed about the net neutrality thing, we just want to fuck our customers over in a different way.”

Good. Raccoons are evil little bastards. I’m not so cool with drowning them, but I didn’t have a problem shooting the one that almost killed my indoor/outdoor cat.

You people are fucking stupid. It’s not that bad. Sure, it’s not walk on through and get on the plane smooth, but it’s for safety because people are dumb. I don’t know what the big deal is about taking your shoes off (fuck you shoe bomber guy). Hell, most people I see anymore fly with sandals (fuck you people and your

This guy doesn’t have any “skill”. He just buys parts from Amazon and ebay, zip ties it all together, and calls it a creation. I mean all you need to plug ANYTHING into an old CRT TV is an RF modulator. They used to sell them everywhere before CRT TVs became obsolete.

Too bad the guy doesn’t know what “rolling shutter” is, and why it’s hard to “film” CRT tvs.

Best line of the episode.

Wow. It’s like if I asked you where a great pizza joint was, and you sent me to a Mexican restaurant. That battery you reference is 1/3 the capacity, and won’t CHARGE USB-c devices (PD).

Wow. It’s like if I asked you where a great pizza joint was, and you sent me to a Mexican restaurant. That battery

If you already have the PC for it, get one of the Windows mixed reality headsets. They are around $200.

I don’t care if I pay more for body wash because I make a lot of money. Body wash > bar soap because I actually get a lather with body wash with no effort. With bar soap, it’s hard to determine if I’m actually getting soap on me.

I wonder what the statute of limitations is on this? Myself and 6 of my family members were bumped from a flight in July 2016. If I would have know this shit, I would have demanded to be compensated. We were 4 hours late getting to our destination on the other flight we took.

I don’t know there were any white people in Oakland.

How did we get to this point where we allowed a big telecom guy to run the FCC?

Can we please get young people with knowledge about current technology to run this country instead of the 60+ somethings that can’t figure out how to turn on the cable box?

“Never to young, to understand freedom.” LOL’d right there. What does shooting a gun have to do with understanding freedom?

Maybe Rhodey stole it.

You can’t even get your lies straight douchebag. In your other comment you state the USA supplies 80% of its own oil, now you say 40%. LOL.

Why is it that under a Democrat president, gas prices are always low (even when oil was $100/barrel I still paid less for gas than I am now)? Maybe because they promote competition with alternative energy that forces the oil companies to price their product more reasonably. The GOP relies on big oil donors, so they

Just like Benghazi, right? 3 years and 12 hearings but nothing.

We’ll see. The Cohen raid was a treasure trove.

The problem is, he does all this to feed his Ego...I mean base. Good or bad, he only does it because of the 37% racist turds that voted for him. That and ever since Obama mocked him, he’s been wanting to get even. If Obama had passed a law saying you have to hug a puppy every day, Trump would pass a law saying you