
You forgot some commas.

IDK. The closest Amazon DC near me, in Ohio, is actually 5 miles from one of the most well off small cities. I wouldn’t say that location is “blighted”. Also starting pay for Amazon is like $13/hr. You could afford a nice small house in the small towns near that Ohio Amazon DC for that money. I guess it’s in the more

Hmm. Was Christmas an alias for Trump?

Good luck copying my signature. It’s different every time.

Why? You can get a Macbook Pro from the same era for only $1000.

Why? You can get a Macbook Pro from the same era for only $1000.

Relax Francis. Recasting costs money. At the time of filming, they didn’t know TJ was a douchebag IRL. We can’t just have a retroactive abortion on every movie/tv star that does something wrong.

Is this really a big problem? I take 4 mile hikes on the weekend in warm weather and never noticed my penis sticking to my balls afterwords. So with this underwear, I have to stuff my penis in a hole every time I put them on?

Is this really a big problem? I take 4 mile hikes on the weekend in warm weather and never noticed my penis sticking

Jesus plays both sides of the field. I’m sure his “all in” is for gathering info to relay to Rick. The plot only involves killing Negan...and/or maybe showing Rick the door.

Straight people lose their significant others all the time on that show. You don’t see us straight people bitching about it. Do gay people think that they need to be treated special, like the handicapped?

Legit question....

I have an MSI Titan. Rock solid gaming machine. It’s a beast though. It looks like the one tested here, but mine just has an i7-7820 with a 1070 card in it. I also got the 120hz display (night and day over the “standard” LCD). Mine only needs a single brick (that’s about what it is) for power, but has the same round

I wonder if Amazon will give prime members a free sub to the recording service. Ring is killing me with that $30 a year to see who is at my door.

I wonder if Amazon will give prime members a free sub to the recording service. Ring is killing me with that $30 a

The worst part of this story is that it’s about a Kardashian.

It’s corny, but a good flick. You never know...someday it might be another 5th Element. LOL.

So there’s a hardcore porn ad on a softcore porn video. What’s the problem?

Yeah. These junk PCs might be good for GTA, but that’s about it. They are going to use the cheapest loudest cooling fans and bare minimum power supply. You are shit out of luck if you want to upgrade the 1060 that came with it for a 1070 or 1080. You would need to upgrade the power supply too....which is probably

Damn Erlich Bachman trying to ruin things for Pied Piper again.

“many, many people who demand to know why I’m allowed to recap The Walking Dead when I obviously hate it?”

Sure you did. Get off that soapbox before you fall down.

If the building is, as Trump says... “well built”, why has it caught fire twice within a year?