
Why is the word nagger blurred out?

That’s just demoralizing.

They have no chance of beating Golden State.

It’s like when the Toyota’s had that sudden acceleration issue several years back. People would speed and if they got pulled over they would blame it on the acceleration issue.

I bet my paycheck the guy was fucking around thinking his fancy robot car could drive itself while he did a Sudoku puzzle.

I’ve been using Wine since it came out in the early 90's. To say it’s unstable is an understatement. At one point I was like “cool... I can run a linux desktop for almost everything, and just use this Wine thing for the Windows apps I can’t live without!” WRONG!

Maybe they weren’t finished with the sign...

You forgot “It’s kinda”, unless you didn’t want to be “mean-uh”.

Oh well. In 3 weeks we’ll be back to the same shit.

Please. All you have to do is hide in your fridge during a nuke attack.

Lorca is from the mirror universe...duh.

Come on now. Like there wasn’t any stupid shit in the other 3 movies.

True dat. It was pretty good if you cut off the last 20 minutes or so (the space shit).

It’s in the hole!

I did, and they weren’t so amazing to drive...except the power they had.

Go ahead....read the wikipedia article on trickle down economics. We tried this shit in the 80's, and it didn’t work. Just like the Democrats, the Republicans always go to the same playbook. Either way, the hard working middle class always gets screwed.

That money gets taxed though...and higher than your normal pay. Also, if you would bother to read/research, the average salary there is $61K. A guy making that is hardly struggling to make ends meet, so that $1000 will get blown on a TV, not feeding his family for a month.

It’s a one time bonus. Also, the guy bringing home $61K now might bring home $63K next year...big whoop. He’ll probably be pissed that his tax refund got cut in half this time next year.

Well the orange monster said this would bring jobs. Giving every current employee a $500 bonus instead of....I don’t know....HIRING MORE PEOPLE...doesn’t help the economy.

I can’t believe my born again Christian mother got duped with the locker room talk explanation. I was like “so It’s ok to talk about assaulting a woman, just as long as you’re with some friends that might think it’s cool to assault women too...right?” Her answer was “guys just say stuff like that to prove they’re