
Not enough electricity.

Will get one as soon as the ability to save is added.

I'm aware. There's only so much I can do though: I make online transactions all the time, though I try to use paypal when possible, unless it's a vendor I use all the time.

On a very large number of games, you can use the gamecube controller... I'm not sure if that will be possible on this console though; I personally am keeping my Wii though.

That's clearly the intent here. It also explains why they kept with the Wii brand.

Genres it helps:

+1 to you good sir! I feel exactly the same way. People are crying that the "Core Gamers" have already made a mass exodus away from Nintendo. However, this new interface will heavily enhance the experience in many of the genres the "Core Gamers" play. RTS, Sports, FPS, Anything with splitscreen potentially. It's a

Given how incompetent Sony has been, security-wise, I highly doubt this is a bluff.

""We may not know for a very long time or we may never know," said Hirai, who added that Sony's learned it needs to be "very vigilant" with credit card info. That's comforting."

I wondered about this... but then I assumed that it was actually said mistakenly.


Okay, not to be a dick, but have you used this controller? No. Every review I've read in which the person reviewing picked it up and played, has said it's really comfortable, despite its looks, and that it's lightweight as well, so the size issue really doesn't matter.

Yeah, back in the good old days, it autolocked, which is the only reason that style of play was manageable. I DID enjoy it, and would be perfectly fine in that style of play as well. But I do feel the new system, if done right, could be better.

Rather than respond to everyone (wow a lot of responses) I'll just respond to this one.

FYI, for those wondering: In some of the source articles, it says they have stepped up their fraudulent activity procedures, and are contacting customers whose data was affected by the breach.

Is that an HDMI port at the bottom?

So, let me get this straight: Limited ammo, startling encounters, but retaining the shooter style of 4 and 5, with the added ability to move?

*secondary generic furry comment*

Between April to December. That's roughly between 1-1.5 years. He could have been rounding up.

Some of us have friends outside of the internet. That come over. And they play video games with us.