
@HackBerry: Yeah... but the actually source of any mishap is usually never blamed.

I'd say it's more likely that when the kobo was announced, barnes and noble rushed to release this already finished product so that kobo couldn't steal the spotlight.

Wait, so I'm confused... Where's the touchscreen? Is the E-ink screen also a touchscreen?

The point to E-ink is that it is low power, and easier on the eyes than nearly all LCD or LED screens. Those of us wanting Color E-ink want this for these reasons. I will agree that 90% of what I read is just fine in Black and White. But I *would* like the ability to read comics (aside from manga) on my kindle.

@RilleL: The later models did need the Black to White Transition. Earlier models used a simpler algorithm.

@cheeseycom: After taking a class in Electronic Materials, that graph now reminds me of Electron Potential Wells. @_@

@i ♥ Tofu: It's gadget-tech blog. You expected less? XD

@realsnickers: The place reserved for child molesters, and people who talk at the theater.

@joecamnet: I can't help but think that was more of a troll.

This sounds like a job for...

@VolumePlus: Well they are. Sure, a DDoS is very effective. However, DDoSs are effective against EVERYONE. Not only that, but a DDoS will clearly paint the attacker as the bad guy. Now if you were to hack the website, and put a clear message what the company did, and why they've been hacked, that's another story.

@dasnipertaw: There's a lot of other things too, but essentially, yes, this.

Part of me thinks this is a good idea, and part of me wonders why they don't just spend the research money making better trains.

@mangonights: And it's so true. I like going 5-10 mph over the speed limit, while slowing down a bit around cops and while going through construction zones. Anyone going faster is a moron because they're going to get pulled over. Anyone going slower than that is an idiot for doing it in the left lane.

That is an amazingly brilliant idea. I think all areas of conflict need this for their voting.