
@RenRen: Why did they cancel it! :( Stupid Fox, ruining a great series.

@RenRen: The special level of hell. Reserved for child molestors, and people who talk in the theatre.

@gifpaste: He should have been hauled off in a glambulance.

@ZanderKal: Never. There's an endless supply of Pizza own there!

@Geisrud: Well, honestly, given your attitude with me, I'm not at all surprised. Also, I like how you passed over my informative comment to criticize my jest instead.

That is actually a nice looking bed. I'm surprised.

@Geisrud: No, I think Ozzie was asking a serious question. Aside from the fact you're trolling me, your comments are laughable because you're not a starred commenter yourself. You act as though you have this brilliant insight to how to get a star, of which I don't give two shits about, yet logic would have it that if

@Geisrud: Because I make witty, but tongue-in-cheek remarks?

@satalac: I believe the idea here is less pew pew and more QQ.

@pjcard: Contractors for the military have already developed smaller versions, and are working on handheld versions.

A new beatboxing master has appeared. His name? Boxy Brown.

@cloudnine: You can't rightfully say that, given that you made this smartass comment ripping on Gizmodo.

Where have I seen this before...?

@cloudnine: Well, they have a right to be pissed. Not only did apple fuck up the design, there was also that spiel with the editors.

@stevewoz: Congress: Transparency? What's that? Are we changing the place to a glass house?

@TheCrudMan: Well, I'm guessing the vibrator app would still work.

@xaronax: Hahaha, don't "Blur" the line. I see what you did there.