
@Jyosua: Oh wait a sec, there'll be an iPhone 5 by then...

"So Apple issues a recall, allows customers to swap their old phones for ones with a fixed antenna, and lets those who don't feel the issue affects them too much to get a free "bumper" case instead. Apple shows they still have industry-leading customer service and are a brand that can be trusted for quality."

@RenegadeRon: Only a matter of time until it becomes Skypenet...

@data6000: Exactly my thoughts! Even in IDEs for programming languages like Visual Studio, there's a GUI builder. This sounds like all that and more, but if it's not included already, it could benefit so much more from allowing codeview edits.

I have a very important question. Will one be able to modify the code directly, if they want to? I think this would be great for building the shell of an app, but if you want to then do something a wee bit more specialized, I'd like to be able to edit the code by hand.

"This is the way the world works; If you want want to find some quality friends you have to wade through all the dicks first"

@fleanine: No problem. :) I'm glad I was able to help at least a little.

@fleanine: You've never gotten an email saying "you're now an approved commentor" then? I got approved a few days after I continually commented, by someone random. I actually didn't realize my comments weren't showing up originally. However, I can see your comments and reply to them, so I'm thinking you were

@hailmarty: You pick up quickly, my friend! How would you like to join me in an evil plot for world domination?

@fleanine: oh wait, were you just talking about normal comment approval or starred comments?

@fleanine: I believe I read somewhere that those who have to ask don't deserve. :P

That kinda reminds me of the city in Big O.

Holy shit that laptop got me for a second. XD #corrections

@fleanine: Goes great when mixed with "APPLE" Jacks.

@OCEntertainment: Clearly it's a clever ruse to imprint circuit analysis on children for cheap labor.