
When they showed the uh... aftermath of the arrow -> jet sequence. And the uh... "coffin bridge box rush". (I think this is non-specific enough). onions. stop.

Just got done watching this (like, it finished at 4:15 and its 4:45 now). Enjoyed it immensely. I've also never hated a fictional government more than this one. But JLaw really picked up emotional steam as the movie kept going. I never really felt like she threw tantrums over anything extremely teenage... considering

They don't care. They'll just call it spoils of war.

I went to a private, probably 80% white university (recently, SMU class of 12'). And had white friends who were like "do you even know that guy?" when I did it in front of them. They didn't get it for the life of them. There was a few of us who nodded to each other and didn't know each other, but I can say almost

"Detroit police say the shooter is expected to be arraigned on murder charges Tuesday."

The person saying "*we* like Emma but *we* don't like anita sarkeesian" doesn't speak for all of 4chan either. He speaks for himself and the 20-50 out of millions of 4chan's users dumb enough to agree with him. *ANY* one who acts like they speak for the collective is bullshitting you when the site aggregates millions

4chan is literally millions of people. Saying 4chan users promise without millions of signed consent forms is somewhat ludicrous. Also, any 4chan user who says he speaks for most or all of 4chan is bullshitting. Just cause 1 does, doesn't mean the other X-million of them won't.

Reddit != 4chan. Though someone on 4chan is almost guaranteed to share it with reddit.

i agree with theburners. i *definitely* know if i'm hard.

I laughed entirely too hard.

"Love thy neighbor" does not mean "leave thyself defenseless against those of your neighbors who intend random or planned mortal harm on you."

"It's different to objectify men than to objectify women, because society doesn't reduce men to objects to the same extent that it reduces women to objects."

Yeah. this comment chain is solid fucking comedy.

I laughed so hard when I got to this gif. Amazing.

you must live under a rock or something.

Aww, why'd the tape stop there. She sounded like she was about to wreck him.

Because it's a crystallized soluble poison, like salt or sugar, if they were poisonous in water. Arsenic is powder that's liquid soluble, it's not a huge leap to make.

They replaced the actor that plays him, an actor who was one of the two Lannister boys that got killed by the Karstarks last season now plays Tommen. That and new daario weirded me out until i looked it up.

Except for this: If the marriage was consummated, they couldn't marry her to Prince Tommen, who is next in line. She'd be "used goods". Now she's been married to a gay man, and a dead man... but she's still a virgin from the second richest house in Westeros, who is sworn to marry someone from House Lannister's royal