Ya but you can’t complain though because exterminating a threat is exactly what humanity would do if placed in such a position.
Ya but you can’t complain though because exterminating a threat is exactly what humanity would do if placed in such a position.
[hands you gift basket]
During the 1996 Yankees vs Braves World Series Game 2, my buddy’s mom baked some cookies and there was one left. He said choose a team, whichever person’s team wins gets the final cookie. He picked Braves and I picked the Yankees. New York lost and I lost that cookie but I became a Yankees fan for life.
........perpetual plotting and scheming by fanatical right wing extremists
Joe Flacco is all of those terms except one.
UC Berkley is one of the best public universities in the world as far as education. My father graduated from there with an electrical engineering degree in 80s and has never been without a job for all these decades. That institution’s name is synonymous with education, not football.
My mom is 6'1. She said it was tough exclusively trying to find men taller than her. I’ve a hunch she had to resort to experimenting in her younger days.
True Lies
This doesn’t matter as Android apps can bypass the Google Play Store and be directly installed on an Android device.
He’s a PharmD. It’s a prestigious profession, right up there with P.A. and N.P.
UT Austin is one of the best public universities in the country.
The new Zelda game looks good but not good enough to for me to dish out the money for Nintendo hardware to play it, however.
I highly doubt Tupac’s mom quoted Polonius....... lol
Nah, I’ll stick to Hearts.
I keep getting JR Smith and Josh Smith mixed up!
Buying a machine just to play games.....
Who cares?