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    Episode V: Empire Strikes Back was quite good

    you like that Saudi oil? no? well then don’t ever fill up at a gas station ever again.

    “Streaming Mario Maker is 90% of my stream, which is 90% of my overall income so far in 2016”

    Who’s to say this wasn’t the reason? Perhaps Nintendo is sick of people piggybacking income from their product and set out to make examples off the biggest culprits.

    oh man, she’s a better actor than the players on the pitch!

    Hemsworth plays the game very well.

    no artist back then was as unique as el greco

    they’re not collard people, Stanley.

    Fat man and little boy were far too lenient.

    They always assume just because something is legal that everybody would just do it and that they’d do it all the time. Such bs.

    gotta be careful.

    robert wadlow was always the bigger man

    Mechanical engineering major here.

    100 consecutive super jumps...... such bs

    Good for them. As many votes as can be taken away from lunatic Cruz the better. Trump bad. Cruz worse by far.

    tis better to have fruit, despite it being low hanging, than to never have fruit at all

    tis better to have fruit and it be low-hanging than to never have fruit at all

    no Geralt?

    Sauron did as well