an addition to the “Chapter 19" screenshot - 19 is a pretty significant number for King, especially in the Dark Tower series.
an addition to the “Chapter 19" screenshot - 19 is a pretty significant number for King, especially in the Dark Tower series.
My favorite on Will Ferrell’s Harry Caray is when one of the actors in the skit said “haven’t you been dead for six months?” I laughed for two minutes straight after that line.
Cowboy pictures are out. I keep waiting for them to make that wrestling picture.
If they don’t bring Dillahunt back as a third, different character, I’ll honestly be kind of upset.
Break out the canned peaches and unauthorized cinnamon, folks!
Poe has already done the soundtrack, get Noah Hawley for the TV adaptation and it could probably make a tiny amount of sense.
Hi. What is the point of your post?
I’m not sure I would call the rise of racism in this country, nor the fight against it, “dumb.” Or are you just trying to be an edgy nihilist? You know, Rick Sanchez isn’t SUPPOSED to be idolized, right?
Yes, racists are very dumb and their racists symbols let us know who the dumb ones are.
It also allows them to leverage platforms that would otherwise shun bigotry and hate speech by using words like “globalist” to communicate to their audience “I see you, I speak for you.”
You’re right, white supremacists are dumb.
Leaving this in could easily be seen as an act of endorsement. Taking it out is the right call. They don’t need anymore of a platform then they have already been able to obtain.
And for those that keep saying “it’s dumb”, or “so are we going to do this for every symbol they co-opt?!”—well thought out response!
The unfortunate truth is that hate groups thrive on this sort of mentality.
I love, love, love Dancer in the Dark.
“Hey, Peter, can you act? We need a fucking background—we need an extra here.”
Literally every other pale person I know shares this feeling, yeah. You’re not alone. People just feel like they’re free to make these insane comments! It’s beyond insulting, it makes me feel like an ugly freak, and it serves NO purpose. It’s pure gawking at someone because they look different.
Oh thank goodness. I was afraid I was the only person who felt that way when I read the comment. I was worried I was being over-sensitive because, as a pregnant and very pale person, I am about at my limit with other (not my doctor) people’s advice on how to care for my body.
Good fucking lord, I’m sorry, but as a very fair-skinned person, I fucking hate it when people feel the need to comment on how pale I am, and remind me that I need to wear sunscreen and stay out of the sun. PALE PEOPLE KNOW WE’RE PALE. WE’RE NOT FREAK IDIOTS. WE KNOW ABOUT SUNBURNS. It’s not weird, it’s not all that…
It also depends on WHO is telling it. Izzard is a world-famous comedian, genius, and re-invention artist who happens to be a cross-dresser. When you are a Renaissance man who happens to look marvelous in lipstick and blue eye shadow, then those jokes are funny.