
But no one had a car from the 1940s.

In high school 1977 one of my friends had a Chevy Nomad, no idea of the year, but definitely from the 50s. Everyone envied him. Except the guy with the 6.6 T/A.

I would roll in that Eldo! but not one that says DEATH on it! Sheesh!

For a living, I take large amounts of data, take a pedestrian look at a few data points, and then make (often wildly incorrect) assumptions. These assumptions drive productivity in a $15 billion organization. So when you read my remarks, be assured that you are dealing with a professional.

Thanks for all the chuckles Graverobber!

I need this too. Wife is convinced that SUV is good and wagon is undesirable. It will be hard to get her to drive one. I’m thinking the XC is a compromise but not enough to interest her. Also, price tag is a concern. Her current DD is 2008 Santa Fe. A brown V90 would so sweet in the garage next to my 2002 tan 9-5

Somehow I knew a Moon Diana had to be a thing.

Car is freaking huge! But nice cut-outs in the roof to allow for easy access!

Always plenty of hate to be found on this site, so not surprising at all. I was looking at roadsters as well and found this to be a very desirable package, really couldn’t stand the interior though. So I never drove one. Thing is, they depreciate like crazy. This car would need to be under 40Kmiles for this price. I

1984 3 dr Escort with 35 cartons of 8x8 ceramic tile. I think I also had some thinset and 4x4 plywood in there that day too. Did lose the muffler though.

I enjoy opening the sunroof in 20 - 40 degree days. Especially if the sun is shining.

Flame away, but the first thoughts when I saw the pic was “That’s a real thing of beauty.” I’d love to see one in person, but not in my driveway.

Much better looking car but 20K miles puts it closer to end of life. I’d only figure on putting 20-40K on the winter beater anyway.

Subaru /= Mazda

Yeah the hate is awfully ugly, and intolerant.

This is a well equipped car. It is relatively fast, and excellent mileage for that performance. Also very capable hauling inside and trailers.

Best auto investment ever....

Great question and even a few great answers. As a youth I was quite reckless, and also quite rural. Here are a few that came to my recollection;

eye-searing red velour over white color scheme that looked like somebody murdered Flo in her progressive office with an axe.

Softball for NP. I guess that goes with the brown manual wagon the other day. Too easy...