J. Venom

Okay, that shit was epic. I PRAY they bring this to the USA. I would watch this all the time.


Jason, the problem is, there are TONS of people who said “Hey you didn’t disclose “X, Y, and Z, and I think that’s fucked up. You guys need to do something about this”.

Exactly. You can’t define the “most” by the loudest, most annoying people.

Sorry Jason, but this post is just depressing. If you actually believe this stuff, I feel bad for you.

“Upgrade your current status from “Peasant Console Player” to “PC Master Race”. Don’t be a fool.”

Now playing

Shit son. It’s Brandon Dicamillo. The man (along with the mythical band Gnarkill) created such hits as ‘Skeletor and Beastman’; as well as ‘Mustard Man’ for christ’s sake. Show some fucking respect.

If you don't mind me asking, how is it different? The name "descriptive audio" doesn't really explain much sadly, so it seems like it'd be the same to a layman like myself. The only thing I can think of is that it would be framed much better, almost like an audiobook playing between dialog scenes or something...

Seriously. Any person who thinks that face isn't screaming "I WILL MURDER YOU!", is an individual who's genetics have failed them at a most basic level.

Exactly! I 100% agree.

I understand what you’re saying, but you also have to understand how your perspective is skewed (I’m under the assumption you’re a member of/supporter of the LGBT community at this point, so I apologize if I’m wrong in that assumption) as well. Because those perceptions “of deception, rape, etc” exist. They just do.

That’s not my point. I understand why it’s tasteless and somewhat offensive lol. But most jokes that single out people or ethnic groups or sexual orientations tend to be. I want to know why it’s truly hurtful rather than just offensive, because I keep hearing that word thrown around with reckless abandon. But if you

I’m not saying it should have stayed, or whether it should have went. I could care less really, but seriously, how is it hurtful? If you can’t stand the fact that not everyone wants to fuck you then you aren’t living in the real world. Cause hell, I know for a fact not everyone wants to fuck me or I’d have a better

Agreed. I’ll probably catch some hate for this, but tbh Metroid Fusion was always my favorite Metroid game (I never liked the 3D games) and I really thought it expanded on the greatness of the past games. Sure it wasn’t as open as Super Metroid or anything, but idk, I always just loved the amount of polish they put

Can't wait. This game looks great imo. Gotta love these "retro-esque" platformers that take things to another level.

I'm from Cincinnati and still live here, so it does sting lol, but idk, it's not for everyone. I accept that.

"Sometimes, your audio, video, or ventilation can fail. The first two are self-explanatory—without audio, you can't hear when the animatronic is inching its way closer to you."

I don't know. But I find the guy likable for some reason.

Yup. Plus being able to see the game a bit first can help people who are interested decide whether or not they want to buy the game themselves. That's the main reason I watch stuff like this.

The van with the limbless zombies? That's def the Saviors all day I bet. More for the fence! lol. Comic fans know what I'm talking about!