
I didn’t watch the series (I suppose that’s obvious by now), but if that’s true it doesn’t disprove my point, which is that starting those guys doesn’t guarantee wins. I’d say doing so 80% of the time makes winning even less likely, and maybe makes Mattingly more culpable - if that’s your point, I’m on board.

Even if you could guarantee wins from those guys (and with Kershaw’s post season career so far you couldn’t guarantee anything like that) that gives you only two wins, needing one more to advance from the NLDS.

Bernie Sanders’ record on gun control doesn’t ‘put a tent in Wayne LaPierre’s pants’ (though that’s pretty funny). He has a common-sense approach to the gun ownership process which had to work for the citizens of the rural, and fiercely independent, state he represents.

it’s like Demeter celebrating Persephone’s return, all the more desperately wonderful and sweet for the bitter knowledge that it is temporary

I actually agree with Stephen A. here, this is a non-story. Can’t believe I’m saying that, but he didn’t say he spoke with anyone in particular - he said ‘in one breath I’m hearing’. He talks about basketball all the time with people in and around the league. Is it that hard to believe that a rumor like this is going