
OFC the appliance repair people do not want you to buy new stuff. How are they going to make money out of you?

Who is the target audience for an article like that?

Well the dev intended to have it’s clients have fun. If a bug or a shortcut that was not found by the dev then they should just fix it if it goes against how they intended people to have fun.

The game is not really min-max or die, rogue deck or casual deck CAN win but you need to know the meta quite well and build against that. Hell troll deck can win too. You might personally not like minmaxing but there is other format for you.

15$ that’s pretty cheap, nothing non-sensical since it’s a high demand item. GBC collecting is getting popular, 90s kids what that nostalgia and now have the money to get it.

Well you never actually said that point but Okay lol. You just did not express well. It happens.

Pokemon, Mtg and yugioh are the ones that are safe. Yugioh is terrible financially tho, they reprint everything.

Meta will happen tho, if it gets popular and do not dies off meta will happen. It doesnt really look good for FF TGC, I asked a few game store and, at least in Canada the game is pretty much dead.

Just wait a few months, the meta will solidify (hell it started to solidify), playing rogue decks can work but usually they are good against 1 or 2 deck. Just wait a few months and the meta will be there. But I’m pretty sure it will die out first. If a game do not have a meta after a year or two it usually means it’s

Here’s your first problem, do not buy pack or boxes, singles all the time. Meta is in every TGC.

Ironically the paper card game is a better value than arena, especially if you play modern. You can seel your card back when you leave.

Every TGC is a mony pit. Pokemon is getting up there with MTG. FF TGC is super expensive because the suplly is low. You can play Pokemon and MTG on a budget tho, you need to play standard, 50$ gets you a deck.

Well “good game” is subjective. I mean it’s still CoD.

In your opinion? You should say “I don’t think you laughed”. Why wouldn’t he tho? It was fucking stupid.

The loot hunting and mix maxing is totally different. Souls games are hardcore action game first and foremost, they are rpg, yes but the focus is the action. The loot is totally different, in diablo you have thousand of item wich the stats are rng. You skills in Diablo, something that Souls games doesnt really have. Yo

Well because D3 was a disapointment that took years to get fixed and even then it’s not great. D3 is shallow, it doesn’t have any depth. I find it hard to call it an ARPG, it’s more like a top down action game. Loot doesn’t really matter since you only want the set piece.

People thought that Blizzard wouldve learned

Soul games and ARPG are wildly different. ARPG is about min-maxing and the hunt for loot.

It’s a reskin of netease Crusaders of Light. It’s a shitty game too, go look at gameplay it’s the same as the diablo demo. Made by the same dev. 

Now playing

Please let’s all stand-up for the total deadpan delivery and utter destruction of blizzard in one sentence. Balls of steels right there. Red shirt guys are the ultimate nemesis of Blizz.

He could just use a raspberry pie and put it inside of a ps1 case. Just buy a broken ps1 and voila.