
“It’s just that the people listening think you’re an asshole.” If that was everything then I wouldn’t care or write now. And I don’t give a single shit about the guy or what he said. The problem is that everyone just bends over backwards to show they think differently no matter what happens. This is in most cases just

If the situation of women was like it was a few decades ago I would totally hop aboard the bandwagon. That was a time when feminism was good and needed. But frankly, the inequalities nowadays are oftentimes just PROMOTING women to the disadvantage of men. They get their own parking lots, represantatives and special

just speak it S-Hat. See? Works fine.

This is so dumb imo. Not that they want to protect their symbol but that they started after paying no mind to it in games for what? 20 years? If you did it for so long you might as well let it be, as it is already connected to health in the minds of the people.

Hm it’s something in between. The episodes I saw consisted of several small episodes. But it often just resumed the story with only a new title. The bundled episodes were just as long as a normal one somewhere else. But counted were the small episodes so it looks way more than it is on the anime info pages.

Definitely Konosuba S2 for me, too. First season was hilarious. Did you watch Saiki last season? Comedy-wise just as good as Konosuba imo.

If you like comedy then watch Konosuba and Saiki, great shows to just laugh your ass off.

This is all so pointless. If a show is made by a white person who is accustomed to white people all around him all day why should he plant people he does not know much about in his stories? Just to please the crowd? I think we should protect the freedom of the people making series and movies and whatnot and let them

Totally true. For this PS2 list and PS1, SNES, DS, 3DS and ofc PC.

I knew it. Monogamy kills boners.

Can’t we just respect what others like instead of trying to force others into doing what we would like them to do? Maybe thinking first about what anime are targeted to you and if it says shonen (boys) or seinen (men) accept that they may include fanservice to cater to their REAL target audience instead of, y’know,