
I’m also a grad student . . . I’m more worried about missing out on the social element than the actual drinking. Though my doc said I can have 2 drinks a week? Which is better than nothing. It’s enough to be social with. (Kahlua milk, though I do also like vodka crans, is my drink of choice.)

Really, really happy to hear that. I’ve never seen Aquafor before, not 100% sure I can get it in Canada, but Amazon can probably help there? Thanks for the proactive advice.

Thank you, thank you for the glowing endorsement. The positives definitely make it seem less scary. My skin’s pretty olive so I’m not used to being super attentive with sunscreen, it’ll be (another) change for me, but I’m glad to hear that the sun-safety element might not be such a huuuuuge change.

Ahhh, stopping. That sure is something to look forward to—thanks for the positive story. I think I’ve got some CeraVe sunscreen/lotion kicking around, should be good for the job? Or do you have any more specific recommendations?

Are we the same person?

Awhh, that sounds beautiful! I celebrate with you—sometimes even when something is new and unpredictable you can tell that it feels right. Enjoy it, enjoy him. Keep the feels, keep the butterflies!

Anything by Juliet Marillier is amazing, and she really makes you feel for her characters, if you don’t mind a touch of magic in things . . . the Sevenwaters books for Irish clan historical things . . . and she’s got a couple books as well about Vikings-meeting-Picts.

Jezzies, I have been waiting for this allllll week.