
I’m almost certain there was no sexual assault in that case, person got fucked up, was taken to the hospital, where she then awoke with no recollection of how she got there....information readily available if you followed the links. That never should have been brought up in the article as it has no relevance to the

Probablya distinction without a difference, but I always viewed football coaches as less idiot savant, anymore cult leader.

I don’t know, the procession of hired help style of child raising seems to lead to a significant number of over-entitled airbags. My personal beliefs, national politics, and other jobs which require 24/7 focus on work are incompatible with raising children. Wiener is by far the worse parent, but I honestly view both

Spot on, and this seems to be the same issue with a lot of players. Sadly,ass long as football coaches, starting from youth on up, are more cult leader than coach, we’lol keep seeing players throwing their long term health away because the only thing they know is what’s best for the team.

That’s basically my ‘fuck I’m hungry, it’s winter, and I only have essentials in the fridge’ pasta.

Leaks....they’re what you’re looking for....or ramps, but good luck finding those 11 months of the year.

Haven’t read the recipe, cause like pasta is somewhere below iceberg lettuce with Kraft dressing on the listing meals to cook to ensure sexy times, but generally canned tomatoes are a standard size. Not at home to check the size, but I don’t think I’ve ever seen a different size can than the usual.

*Frame rate limit off

Just checking in as one more data point for vsync off, desperate unlocked. Went from unplayable stuttering to generally smooth enough with occasional, but severe, frame drops when creating hills. I5-3570, standard clock, 1070 standard clock 8gb, should see of the bump to 16 makes a difference early next week.

Seriously, the idea the school a player wants to leave is the one deciding if they can or not, it’s absolutely ridiculous.

I’m guessing a lot of the frustration is because rng is the only method of getting the loot. As a rule I think real money loot boxes are shady, but I’m sure if they wanted to, blizzard could implement a system which would keep the rarity where they want it, but allow people to have a better chance of getting the skin


Totally agree. I may be slightly influenced by getting way into Kubrick and Herzog at too young of an age, but the idea of these painful process creating real truth on the screen has always been appealing. Whether the skwad proves to be worth it or not remains to be seen, but the histrionics from the commentator class

You need to find someone Favreau is already friends with with an at least somewhat different view. It needs to be two people who respect each other having honest talks. It’s the same idea as when you and a good friend get into politically. You disagree , but it always comes from repeat and the debate is on good faith.

Onlytakes one night of crying in the bathtub to learn ghost peppers and peeing do not play well together.

Oh, I agree on all counts, just hate seeing the worst parts be the loudest.

Let’snot forget he was also the dipshit asking Cam Newton the racist questions. Fuck him for being a racist shitbag and making the rest of upstate look as bad as he does.

God, so many great memories from the late 90's rhinos at frontier.

Exactly, when I sold runs wrath the sooner the dead weight got out of the way the better for the run. Luckily as the only healer when we did 10 runs in current content I could ensure it

Here’s the thing, he’s protesting the player, whose making a reasonable decision to maximize his chance of winning a championship. He’s not protesting ownership/management who are the root cause of why KD needs to go elsewhere to win. They are the ones who failed the fans, not the player.