
Created by LittleKuriboh, but they’re involved.

Awww, it’s great to see apes and bears getting along in nature.

You never watched YuGiOh Abridged? Did you?

We’ll take 2.

Not enough quiet sobbing or yelling bosses.

So the fate of the world...hangs on the outcome of a children’s card game?


Their uniforms predate the Nazis, but nice try there Goodwin.


Came here expecting to see Carla getting kicked in the face.


That’s not an aircraft...This, is an aircraft.

Are you Buzz Lightyear?

Yay my clip!

So you’re done right? Finished? 100%’d it? Traded your copy back into Gamestop for some of that sweet sweet in store credit? Go on, be honest now.

I finally wandered in this morning. Technically Diamond City is just the stadium, I was doing missions around the outskirts for a while now.

3 days in, level 22.

Goddamn it! Spoilers Fahey!

So, rule by the Kardashians and Bieber then?

So, rule by the Kardashians and Bieber then?

So if we get a majority of commentors here calling you a ‘pretty little princess’ by that logic...you are a pretty little princess?

So if we get a majority of commentors here calling you a ‘pretty little princess’ by that logic...you are a pretty