
Yeah I can see that angle of it, but I just don’t think politics should be seen as a zero-sum game. It’s that kind of view (“winner take all, you lose so shut up about your ideas, they don’t matter now”) that has gotten this country into a place where partisan politics take precedent over any compromise and meaningful

So all you writers and Hillary supporters (one in the same in many cases) raging about how Sanders wouldn’t support Hillary and is a huge dick because of it, will shut up now, right?

You’ve consistently been my favorite writer here. I will follow you to the New Yorker, and the ends of the earth. My sword is yours.

I don’t understand how people just really don’t get that Sanders is in it now to push the democratic party to the left and weaken the influence of big moneyed interests within it for the benefit of American citizens.

Not sure what race you are, but if you’re white, please do go ahead and move to the worst school district in the blackest neighborhood you can find and tell me how that works out for you.

See, this is part of the problem - dismissing most Trump voters as just dumb racists doesn’t examine how Trump is able to rally them and how we can stop it.

Honest question, what would you prefer these people do? How would you prefer they write their piece?

What’s your point here, exactly? Are you implying that the white male author isn’t all that different from a Trump supporter by virtue of his identity?

If you’re white, just don’t bother visiting Africa unless you want to be seen as racist. Stick to Europe.

Plantiffs probably shouldn’t have sued Cinemark (and were likely convinced by their lawyers who were seeing nothing but dollar signs)... but come on Cinemark, don’t grind the axe like that, it’s just in poor taste.

lol - you must not know much about sports discussion on the internet. “Salty” memes are used when ANYONE complains about refs or acts, y’know, salty after their team doesn’t win.

If you say so. The “of course” is just interesting since the original is a critical darling... so why would people assume you hope the new one is better? Seemed like an odd choice of wording, but fair enough.

It’s interesting to me that you’re lamenting your son thinking toys/movies/whatever with girls aren’t as good as those with boys and in the same breath saying “I hope the girls Ghostbuster’s is better, of course” — you’re actively hoping that the girls thing IS better. Why? Why make it a competition based on gender if

RACISM! RACISM is the answer you’re looking for, right Kara? What do I win?

Men are incentivized to work more hours because much of men’s perceived societal value (both as individuals and as partners/ “providers”) is derived from how much they earn and how “hard” they work.

So by that measure, if we talk about the time women spend on child care or housework... do we need to quantify the amount of work they do to make it a worthwhile study?

I don’t think it’s so much a “support” thing as much as it’s a old-school patriarchal “if you aren’t the primary bread winner and the REAL earner in the relationship, you are not a ‘real man’” thing.

Radicalized fundamentalist RELIGION (note I said religion, not naming any specific one), continues to bring out the absolute worst in humanity. Yet we can’t stop it. :(

Like anything, the truth of the matter is shades of gray and everyone seems to be missing the real points.

I like how you can use race as a pejorative in this way. Equality!