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At least she got a neat sight seeing trip and dinner out of her wacky adventure.

Also, as far as tasers go, they didn’t do extensive testing on 11 year old girls. If they did, they should be brought up on charges. Beyond the obvious trauma, we don’t really know long term consequences of doing that to a kid, or how frequently it’ll turn out to be lethal.

If only everyone were carrying around a small portable device that could take pictures or video of store-crippling 11 year olds.  

People who can’t count up to ten.

Some of them consider the environment, potential wars, creeping fascism, wealth inequality and health care crises to all be a side show. Jesus is coming soon, so as long as the pro-God president is in power, nothing else matters.

He aided and abetted a largely incompetent traitor, but feels better about it because he got a rich-person taxcut out of the deal.

It’d be interesting to wonder how much of Congress would have kept their seats if that standard was applied across the board.  Gingrich and Hastert certainly should have been punted.  Given how Gingrich was central to the investigations, I don’t know how he’s allowed to speak in public without his hypocrisy being the

You’d think this would have been found and discussed as soon as Pence emerged from his burrow and started campaigning for the pussy grabber.

I’m glad you guys are fighting the good fight.

The best people”.  

He has a lot of news to bury, between Gates and Manafort, so he picked a fight with Don Lemon and LeBron James, but that wasn’t big enough, and so he needed more liberals saying how he was a complete asshole, so he cut the efficiency standards, and he had liberals pointing out he was killing people, but the Treason

Dollars to donuts, Arpaio has friends who are hoarding guns for the upcoming race war. I’m sure Arpaio felt right at home.  

If the right’s mind isn’t in the gutter, what was all your emperor’s talk about grabbing them by the pussy? Nobody would consider running Cohen for office, even though he’s just playing a character. You elected and worship a vulgar troll who’s much worse in real life.

“The elitist liberal media liar Jim Acosta is afraid of hearing the truth, and being among real Americans”. It’s horrible they’re using him as a prop, but if he suddenly went AWOL, they’d have a bullshit narrative (aka “fake news”), and Trump would either move to the next most prominent, or call them out as cowards for

Some dark money may find itself their way. There’s likely some church discretionary fund that the Mercers or whoever can funnel it through, if they help with the messaging. It may not be illegal.  It might even be tax deductible, though people that rich find other ways to dodge taxes.

Well, if your desire to not be murdered infringes on someone’s 2nd Amendment rights, that’s unconstitutional. 

I wish we had more Bookers.

Volkswagen should get special notice for their R&D, engineering the software that enabled them to cheat the emissions testing.

Well, about one in 200 is homeless. Can you imagine that not having a place to live, being at constant risk of theft, and having to carry everything you own on your back, might make it hard to keep track of things? And trying to find food, clothes, shelter might take priority over a picture ID? The problem of voter