
The 99.999% give the .001% a bad name.

Either the cop was on a power trip - or - the cop was ignorant of the law.

I don’t want him to ever die. Death is a release from your past. I want him to live forever, because no matter how cavalier he acts, that is a tourtured soul. He is in the worst hell of all, which is the one of his own making. He was a miserable clogged anal sac on a dog before he killed Trayvon, and it’s worse now.

Oh, within the context of the movie (and I assume the book), it obviously relates. I was just being chippy because the writer seemed to toss it in as a usable term (almost certainly because they’ve seen the movie), but I don’t think that term is a real thing in the world of illusionists.

This season, Heimlich has once again been pretty great for the Beavers

Second paragraph, last sentence:

For the prestige

Cool video, but seriously man, spend some more time on your titles! This one is a word soup. “Watching”, the action of the sentence, is not a means of travel, as suggested by “the best way to travel” at the end of the sentence. Took me a few passes to figure out what you were going for.

Divorce yourself from hating the success of the Warriors and the colossus they’ve built, and it’s just such beautiful basketball.

Curry off the bench is dangerous. Take it from me, a guy who once ate some curry I found on a bench.

he just keeps trying while being deliciously heckled by everyone around him.

I’m with you on red interiors - so tacky. There is one exception though;

I hope someone sends this to Goose Gossage.

Red Sox fan here. And while it very much pains me to say, the current Yankees team is, if not lovable, certainly a very likeable team that is a lot of fun to watch.

Care for some more ants?

Who the fuck judges someone negatively because they prefer milk chocolate over dark chocolate?

Are you as hipster in real life as your comment suggests?

Of all the breath we waste on sports, mock drafts and bracketology are the wastiest.

If only there was someone who had seen the film who could write us an article on whether it goes wrong or in fact lives up to the hype...

why so mad about it? You think everyone’s talking “open concept” because they all saw some house hunter show on HGTV and you’re bristling because they think they know what they’re talking about, but they don’t?