
I never claimed to, I was just pointing out how stupid you have to be to think your buds playing grab-ass settles anything.

It’s definitely a gray area, but for me it comes down to intent and transparency. If he was making a pragmatic decision that he wasn’t trying to conceal, I’m willing to call it a penalty. If he tried to dislodge the net and play it off like it was an accident, that makes him a sneaky cheater.

Of course waterboarding works to inflict suffering, but unless your bros gave up the nuke codes or admitted to sleeping with your girlfriend, I’m not sure how you know it works to produce useful information.

Agreed 100%. Just eat the real thing.

That’s exactly what I did.

Hey! That was my story, and that was our guy!

“a nickname that they view as disparaging and that they speculate was coined in the early stages of the presidency by rivals”

Betsy DeVos was born a billionaire. When you’re a born a billionaire, you have your ass kissed from birth and are constantly surrounded by people who seek to benefit by flattering you.

On their hips, just like a real cowboy. Duh.

“Oh, god! I think he’s reaching for his harmonica!”

A well-armed collapsing democracy is a polite collapsing democracy.

So, not douche-wear for today’s 20-somethings and stunted 30-somethings? Got it.

Help out an older guy. Is Supreme the new Ed Hardy/Affliction?

The Rockets will give them a series and may even beat them, but it’s hard for me to believe the Warriors are any worse than they were last year when they went 16-1 in the playoffs.

Mark Davis looks like Jon Gruden if Jon Gruden were a recovering burn victim.

Right? Why can’t Twitter conversation just display like a text thread.

I’m neither a gamer nor an e-sports follower (but I bet I could still hold my own at NHL 94!) and had a few questions if anybody has a moment. . .

If you answered yes to your first question, you clearly didn’t understand the question.

Connor McDavid is Having One Hell of a Wasted Season

You know how there are people whose charisma is other-worldly and they are wildly charming and instantly liked by everybody? I’m thinking of Will Smith, George Clooney, Oscar Isaac, John Boyega, etc.