
Hold up, they put the goddamn tree in it?

Even by the standards of this years long shift to individual pressers that aren’t really part of E3 this year seems extremely barren. As normal no Nintendo or Sony but even the big third party publishers seem to have nothing to show this year.

Oh, complaints about CGI. That’s what we need more of.

that is a wild number

When a racist psychopath kills double digits of people in Germany, it’s a major event that shocks the entire nation and gets declared a terrorist attack.

Absolutely disgraceful. If someone is Anti Choice now is the time to hound them, question them publically, humiliate them. Do anything necessary to save your rights.

milestone this week: One million —> milestone this week: one million

I wish I could “star” an article in addition to being able to “star” a comment. This article deserves a thousand stars. Perfectly captures why this “we need civility” bullshit makes my blood abso-fucking-lutely boil.

He was Dr. Tom’s demanding father on the uber-Canadian series Being Erica

First Evan Rachel Wood makes all of those accusations against the guy who played Paul, and now this. I never thought I’d have to say this, but maybe Wayne was right all along. Maybe they really were buttheads.

And yet there are piles of folks on the internet who are willing to cape for him because Captain Jack Sparrow might pick them next time.

Hey Reggie, some of us worked there during your time. At least for the QA side of things: yeah it was.

yup, I knew all the people who fainted over the Will Smith Smack (and Will Smith is a tool) of Chris Rock are going to point to this as say “see See! See!” but fuck Chapelle for his transphobia and in general for becoming a jackass Boomer in his 40's (I think he and I are the same age).

Cool, cool. This is fine. Great to keep it on-brand with little uncalled-for transphobia after an upsetting incident. Stay classy, asshole.

Daily Beast says immediately after the attack, Chappelle made a joke of his own, reportedly saying the assailant was a “trans man”

Square Enix must have REALLY wanted out of the western game business, because $300 mil for those studios AND the IP is a fucking STEAL

The second season was definitely a “gonna get around to that new batch of eps...soon...after this other thing” show around the merp home.

Reviews are so 2019; it’s all about dismissive snark in this modern ripped from other sites the headlines micro-blog era.

“The Steve Carell-starring sitcom aired its second season back in February, apparently”

Damn, this is sad. Neal Adams was, to me, the comics artist to follow when I was a kid, and on into adulthood. I know that X-men has been running almost consistently since 1963, over dozens of books, but I do not exaggerate when I say that Adams’ run on the original team was the best ever. Sauron and the Living