
I mean, honestly, I would have faulted Smith before I saw the damage that hair loss does to women, especially ones who are relatively young, but having seen it up close, and in the long-term, with someone I care about, whilst I can offer platitudes about how “violence is wrong”, I can’t actually fault him. It wasn’t a

I think it was in poor taste to make a joke about her alopecia on national tv with her sitting a few yards away. 

but the pandemic is over, right guys?

Am I crazy or does this not actually work for the home screen? Like I created groups but the home screen is still just the same horizontal list of titles. I have to go to “All Games”, then hit L in order to actually see the groups I made...

Farewell Dowd. You and basically everyone working at this site were so much better than J/O Media deserved.

Dowd, I’m glad the last movie you reviewed for this site was a halfway decent one. I’ll miss your good work around here.

I do really like Gregg Miller in some ways but dude is a kind of calculated phoney that really irks me. He’s like a much more likable Jimmy Fallon(Pete Holmes?) in that he has a fakeness to him that even you know he knows I laid on too thick. I wish Jeff Gerstmann was more mainstream because while he’s sometimes

... you ever get the feeling that “below expectations” involves the same kind of magical math that makes the most successful films of all time never be profitable, except for the fact that all the suits get all the money from them?

So what this means is I’m okay to launch my new series on how to balance the humors through bleeding and laxatives? 

Good luck with all your future ventures, and be kind and good to yourself, most importantly. It’s a sad reflection of this site the Goodbyes have transformed into that of relief for escaping. Lurked here enough in its pomp to be disheartened at how transparently toxic and inept the executive tier are.

Reached for comment, Alden Ehrenreich said, “I am not Ansel Elgort.”

...as John Corbett?

So apparently the secret to making a good episode of a television show is to make it an episode of a different television show.

Good grief.

Thank small-g god for workplace mask mandates, since they kept my coworkers from seeing me smiling in utter glee at watching this...

Now playing

If this is half as good as BBC original, then it’ll be great. Tom Davis (who created the show) is a comedy genius for this.

I’ve said before these SNL reviews are one of the first things I read on Sunday mornings, often before I’ve watched the episode. I’ve been worried they weren’t long for this world since word came out last December of what G / O was pulling...so this week’s news was expected but no less disappointing. I’m glad at least

Caption’s wrong; that’s Rob Benedict (aka Chuck, aka God) on the left and Richard Speight Jr. (aka Loki, aka Gabriel) on the right.