I can see where you’re coming from, but “reaching a Popeye moment” does not equal “suffering a mental illness”.
I can see where you’re coming from, but “reaching a Popeye moment” does not equal “suffering a mental illness”.
When you said “get us some gun control”, you meant “get us a wider and stricter security control zone around politicians than before, paid for by the population that pay taxes”, no?
All it would take for me to get excited about this would be a reason why I should turn my head away from where my hands are. Simple, and actually uses the tech to do something otherwise un-achievable. Ah well.
“Requiring paperwork to prove your faith”.
If there’s one thing I know about America, you can call yourself what you want, then let the courts decide. Besides, I don’t remember “being a Christian” needing certification.
[distant voice] “let him talk!”
“I love America. America is the name I gave to the well-done steak I just ordered.”
“Most surprising surprise of E3 2017"?
Never gonna happen. I mean, unless something genuinely earthshaking happens with the top flight of English football, then English players will continue to be hood ornaments that seem great surrounded by players that had the foresight to be born elsewhere and learn how to play before coming to England, but wilt when…
Because we raced Chocobos and not enough people liked it.
I don’t say this very often, but where the hell was Triple H when we need him.
“E3: Presented, to the press and fans. Intended, for the shareholders and the board”
Until the “average American voter” can have a reaction to Socialist policies and not say:
OMG not enough people buy our laptops.
I try to be as gender-neutral with cursing, which ends up with me sometimes getting into trouble for calling people a Tristram Hunt or a Richard the First, no matter whether their body contains such a thing.
I really like that image, and it makes me think; What if Fallout 4 was Boston, but Boston looking for the most part like Arizona, but with the bits of New England that survived the war and time after. As opposed to Boston, but...sort of abandoned and broken windows? I know the landscape inbetween towns is sometimes…
“I’m gay for activism”
Well hold on now, let’s not smear her with a brush she didn’t choose herself - like; Maybe “The new Steinem” is what she calls “The next book I’ll read pooping, but nowhere else”.