Silky Bronson

"I work with colored people everyday! We even shower together!!"

Right? That one black security guard took him to such a dark place that he had to yell out the N-word in public. The logic is beautiful.

"Also: Riley Cooper has Truck Nutz." Because if he had real nuts, he would have said that at a 2 Chainz concert.

I never used the n-word, before. Except, for this one time that was caught on camera.

Yikes, the 30 for 30 for the Florida Gators 2009 National Champions is going to be some documentary.

All that hard work for nothing, Brad Paisley and LL Cool J.

Would you rather get hit by a fiat going 10mph or Adrian Peterson running full speed?

That's not true, There were four girls from BGSU killed while driving to spring break, and that was news. Incredibly insensitive comments. Let's not forget that many of these athletes are disadvantaged youths from the inner city, and these athletic scholarships are their way out. I always find it funny that people

Nate, your being brought over to ESPN, to an outsider, looks like the Creation Museum hiring Neil Degrasse Tyson for a consulting gig, just so they can say "See, we're open minded!"

Wait. Utah has an indoor football team? How do they do this without being able to buy Malt Liquor at the supermarket or gas station. I live in Utah, and this is the first time I have heard of this team. I thought indoor football was something for Riverside, Ca and Spokane, Wa.

Yeah, I agree. I wasn't aware of them before Deadspin did that write-up on them a couple of weeks ago, but I've been following them since and it's been awesome to see them already grow. I've also seen a few NFL players (Chris Johnson was the one who caught my eye) contacting them on Twitter to get masks made. I really

that is something i always found interesting about the flash family they think ten times faster then supes and they still remain some of the most down to earth of the heroes in the DC universe. Much of this i attribute to something the bring up in the comic as every flash needs some one to be theri lightning rod to

I've always thought that the real problems with relating to normal human beings wouldn't come from Superman's physical powers, but from his mental powers. Think about it: dude's walking around with perfect recall, thinks at the speed of light, never makes a single math mistake and can perceive virtually everything

Nah, they're different. Check out Badass Masks, they are churning out a bunch of crazy designs like this, and apparently players are contacting them now for custom masks.

It is laughable. And she's laughing at gullible people like you right now, and in the clip above. :)

So, you really could not tell the girl was in on it, by the way she totally reacts before it comes?

They're so adorable after they hatch.

While a Dark Knight Returns story would be awesome I feel like it will just be perceived as a rehash of Dark Knight Rises. The should just go balls to the wall and do Batman/Superman: Public Enemies, though would likely turn out to be a terrible movie due to character stuffing.

World's Finest would be the obvious choice. I'd love to see an updated take on the DCAU version - The Batman/Superman dynamic better be incredible. But as long as they have some variation of this exchange, I'll be happy:

Alcohol, softcore porn, penny loafers, suburbs, the Geo Storm...just a few in the long list of government conspiracies against white people.