What do you mean by woman friendly?
What do you mean by woman friendly?
The show with Trey Wingo is on the evil four letter network, friend. Although the network Wingo works for is a large foot warmer for the NFL none the less.
+ You and Kevin Nash
I submit this as a nomination for one of the more subtle Val Kilmer lines. When asked where was Wyatt and the following answer/moment.
His best record is "I'm on a Boat"? You should check out some of his work that can be praised for its creativity. He has some credible work with Squidbillies, AquaTeenHungerForce and a couple other things.
Maybe it is time to call into question why African Americans questioning "blackness" is really reported by anonymous sources in the first place. "Blackness" being challenged is the new dog whistle for obtaining page views. Last week it was arguing different class identifications and values as superior to any others as…
On a related note commentariat:
I say yes to this *ahem* fuckery if Goodell pulls it off.
" BIG, BLACK: Book of Quaterbacks
"One of the new jack football axioms is that you run when you win, not win when you run."
Not even Party Man.
Well Tim, maybe Coach Graham just got caught in awkward moment. I mean the internet now-a-days... Maybe a Steve McNair fan?
The tragedy of his murder will include the disgrace of its coverage; the opinions of these two pud-pullers were a trivial way his life was steered away from being memorialized. Wilbon with Cowherd were representatives of "editorializing" death or significant incidents into a simple anecdote. One more misguided…
* side note*
Jerry Jones?
Unfortunately, some people were convinced to fap about Goodell's perceived role as a paternal, authority figure seeking out the moral center right of America through football too long for me to be sympathetic. The ownership and league office pretended to care about a lot of things after the fact then moved on.…
You both get +1.
This thread of conversation you have started...
What is the song playing in the background; it is just perfect for this for some odd reason.