Please tell me this was some horrible inside joke prompted by Shaq and/or Underdog; you have to Google Image search Charles Barkley DUI to get that picture right?
Please tell me this was some horrible inside joke prompted by Shaq and/or Underdog; you have to Google Image search Charles Barkley DUI to get that picture right?
That is teamwork.
So you're saying a suggestion for using an earnest power ranking system of malt liquor including Billy Dee Williams' conceivable approval is out of the question?
+1 for parsing through the bullshit and getting to the point. "Money" is the straw man used to shout down the real argument for a union.
Well played.
Chris Rock would be the biggest swerve and boldest comeback CBS could make. Not sure if he is even in the picture, but CBS would smart to give him a call. I am not going to knock a choice of Tina Fey or Conan, but damn would he be coupe.
Wait. If I read think I got it right.
1974 sounds like an unholy theme to introduce a scence of Mel Blount and Jack Tatum running after you in a dark alley.
In town shooting a scene; fucks wrong with you?! I would appreciate it if Deadspin, particularly you Timothy Burke, follows the io9 tradition of tagging things as morning spoilers.
Damn that is hilarious.
Damn, good times waiting for the new Slam Ups and then the front cover in the mail every month to post on the wall, locker, or wherever.
I just realized that Triple H single highhandedly derailed the handled bar mustache and sideburns look of Harley Race.
This should be posted higher.
The bench reaction in the background though?