Silky Bronson


This should be posted higher.


The bench reaction in the background though?

+1 to you both...


Can we also stand back, point and be taken back by Chuck and Wilbon, two men well over the age associated with ignorant of civil rights "Rap"/"Hip-Hop" ignorant fool/thug stereotype, both admitting to using the word. The word is not some new trend the unruly youth of Black America in the 1990s created. It has been

"And if you start that Doug Flutie shit again; and when I call 23 dive call the goddamn play."

But what else did the myth of Ali and Frazier mean; was it simply an example of an attempt rationalize the world? Wasn't it as much a culture still full trudging through unknown and uncertainty then it was a media demagoguery? Maybe in that culture, men and women were seemingly punished arbitrarily by forces, almost

Real. Honest. Read.

Fascinating viewpoint...

This is how you do this bit. Respect


The honest, celebratory joy of Riley Cooper for his touchdown quickly turning to an abrupt realization of time, place and circumstance:

You had it at Zaxby's. Respect.

I submit FratBruhs. Works better with what you are going for in my opinion.

Is that where that comes from? Been wondering for years about that...

Wait a minute now; he actually said that about presumably the Patriots vs. Saints game? Simmons said this about a football game? I thought he was the basketball guy. You're right. His statement was the opposite of a real home town homer if ever there was one. Shit, I guess his voice of the fan loses its nuance in