Silky Bronson

Well once again, it appears that Tom Brady has proven the more efficient and accurate quarterback with a greater ability to comprehend strategy...

[Reads post]


YES, FUCK THIS ROLLING STONE ARTICLE. Point Blank. Authors failed in all areas except describing Aaron's past from unnamed sources.

So good.

Jim was working in character at first; Bret gave it away in the beginning with his smirk. Jim obviously has some damage going on though.

Then Whitlock & Olberman give a nod to Deadspin for breaking down the sports journalists and the sports journal media by forcing them to not be a self-absorbing and judgmental cog in a visceral business of circle-jerks?

Olberman is working again; goes H.A.M. right away and swinging his Dick Around.

Big difference between "hitting" and "tackling". Everybody gets hit or gives hits. Offensive players may be placed in vulnerable situations, but everyone on offense or defense is placed in a vulnerable situation. Special teams is a fucking madhouse. I say the game protects offensive players too well because the idea


Damn I am captivated by that random Timbaland & Magoo poster in a goofy teenage girls skit.

Its A Slap

Now playing

Two of the best, James Brown & Luciano Pavarotti: A Man's World

Now playing

But this one always sets it off though, from Talking Book my personal favorite of Stevie Wonder.

The Motorola, Football and Booty Affair

It was strangely expected of him, but just damn how could it be so right?

I knew about the video for almost two months and I was just disgusted. So in the spirit of solidarity I apologized to my teammates on my version of C.P. time.

Sad to read and see. So once again the zeitgeist of the 21st century's opinionated, criminally personalized and masturbatory internet and media has surfaced. It appears the discussion around the usage of "nigger" has also become a part of the zeitgeist culture. This means explaining the potential identifiers for

Did you just start off the show on the bad side or did you creep up on it as the show went on?