"ESPN: Worry About the Ratings" *
"ESPN: Worry About the Ratings" *
Damn good.
+ 1
Yes! Yes! Yes! You did it!
Just saw the whole segment. (or was it a down?)
Influenza: "[t]ypically, influenza is transmitted through the air by coughs or sneezes, creating aerosols containing the virus..."
I have respect for the gesture. Still the event of the young man's passing reminds me:
Eff ‘Em: Gregg Williams’ Tactics Were Oblivion In Washington
No one questioned your "cred".
Yes, the internet does contain falsehoods and untruths.
Sorry copy and paste error:
Q&A commentariat:
'It's an industry-wide circle jerk, followed by a dick-measuring contest. Let's all get dressed up and hand out shiny trophies'
"You know, come to think of it we were all thinking something similar along those lines Lamar. After UCLA what could we really look forward too; wish you were around when we came out "
Does anyone else get an overwhelming feeling of indifference with this story, or scandal? For example, I am dumbfounded by the level of comprehension and willing complacency of the NFL fan. Dumbfounded by the NFL fan I keep reading, watching and ear humped about old dicks like Greggorry Easterrbrook. (and you thought…